Leaving her heart in Malawi

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We are walking along the Tiber river, Tom has taken my hand in his. There isn't many people out now and the weather is pleasantly warm. "It's beautiful isn't it ?"

"It is". Tom says, sending me a small soft smile. "I am happy we did this".

"Me too". I really am happy to see a little more of Rome and a little more of Tom.

We stop and sit down on a bench side by side, looking over the river. There is a faint scent of flowers in the air. Tom slides his arm around me and I lean against him. "I love Italy and I love Rome, there is just this feel.. I mean I love London, but Italy has this special feel to it".

"Well it's my first time here, but I am sure it won't be the last, because I totally agree with you". I say. Rome has surely won my heart.

We sit for a bit in silence, it is nice sitting there with Tom actually. I have to admit that I like him, not just the way he looks, even though it is certainly a plus. But mostly it is this intangible thing he has about him. To bad that he lives on the other side of the planet.

"So you were in Kenya ? It must have been some adventure". Tom looks curiously at me.

"Kenya, South Sudan and Malawi". I say nodding slowly. "And yeah it has been a real adventure, both good and bad. It is definitely something I will never forget".

"Oh I have been to South Sudan too, with UNICEF. It is surely something that changes you and I was only there for a few days". He says softly. "What you have done, given years of Your life to help, it's amazing".

I breathe in. "Well actually I don't feel like I have given much. I have gained so much more".

The smile spreading on his face is truly breathtaking. "I love that you feel like that, it shows true heart".

I love hearing her tell about her experiences, the adventures and everything she has seen. Some of it is heartbreaking but it is easy to hear that she is very passionate about it.

"So happy to be back home ? To have some time for yourself finally ?" I ask her.

She shrugs slightly. "In a lot of ways, but I had to leave some of my heart in Malawi. There was this little girl Anele, she was only about a year old and had almost starved to death when she was found with her death parents".

"Oh that sounds horrible". I take her hand in mine. Seeing children suffer was the worst part of going to Sudan with UNICEF.

She swallows. "Everyone said she was lost, but.. there was just something about her, I felt I had to try. So I fed her every hour both day and night".

"And she made it ? She pulled through ?" For some reason I feel almost choked up. Please tell me she made it.

"She made it, despite all the dire premonitions. Dahlia helped me a lot, letting me get some sleep. I cared for her almost like she was my own for almost a year. Watched her first steps, heard her first words". She is tearing up.

I pull her closer to my side. "It sounds like you really did a difference in her life. I can see why it would be hard to have to leave. Do you have a picture ?"

"Yeah, just a second". She open her little handbag, taking out her wallet and opening it. Showing me a picture of her, smiling brightly, a small beautiful girl with dark curls and chocolate eyes on her lap, playing with a toy dog".

"Oh she is beautiful Maddie". I can clearly see from just the picture that they had a special connection.

She is clearly fighting not to start sobbing as she puts the picture away. "I miss her so much. I really wish I could have taken her with me, but it was very complicated".

I pull her into me, and she gives up holding back the tears, sobbing into my shoulder, while I try to comfort her, pressing a kiss to her temple and whispering soft word, telling her that everything will be okay.

"I am sorry for sitting here and sobbing on your suit, it's a really nice suit". I say, pulling slightly away, feeling a bit embarrassed to have reacted so emotionally.

Tom just smiles softly, brushing the hair from my forehead. "It's totally okay darling. It must be so hard for you, almost like leaving you own kid behind".

I almost choke up again, I love that he gets me. "Yeah, I feel I let her down. I mean she didn't understand that I had to leave and now she is just waiting for me to come back".

"You know what, some day you might and I am sure she will recognize you. You didn't let her down, you saved her when no one thought it was possible". He say.

"I hope you are right Tom". I look up at him smiling. "Has anyone ever told you that you are an amazing guy ?"

He actually blushes. "Oh I haven't really done anything special, you on the other hand. You have saved lives, changed the world. You are the one who are special".

"Come let's get back. I got a rather early flight tomorrow". I get up, holding my hand out to Tom and he takes it, getting up.

We walk slowly hand in hand back to the apartments. Stopping by the Trevi fountain. Tom pulls out a coin. "So do we want to come back ?"

"Definitely". I say smiling, and he holds the coin towards me, turning his back to the fountain.

I grab the other side, so we are both holding on to it. "On 3 ?" I nod and he counts. "1, 2, 3". We lifts our arms at the same time, throwing the coin into the fountain. I hope the legend is true and I will be back here.

From Rome with love   (Book 1) A Zac Levi/Tom Hiddleston storyWhere stories live. Discover now