A kiss he didn't expect

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We said our goodbyes to Dahlia at the apartment and now we have just arrived at the airport. Maddie's flight leaving almost two hours before mine, so Zac and me have made plans to grab some lunch after seeing Maddie of.

"It was a pleasure meeting you Zac, and take good care of my girl now or I'll' kick Your ass". She say grinning, as she hugs Zac.

"I promise you that I will treat her like a princess". He says, hugging her back.

She smiles as she lets him go. "I am sure you will, even though I feel it might be more like a Goddess, because you clearly worship the ground she walks upon".

Zac just chuckles and shrug. "Yeah you might be right. I can't really help it".

"And it was a pleasure meeting you too Tom, thank you for being you". She hugs me tightly.

"The pleasure was all mine darling". I hug her back, actually quite sad to see her go. I have enjoyed spending time with her and I would like to get to know her better.

She pulls a bit away, looking up at me. Then she shakes her head slightly and suddenly her lips is on mine, throwing me for a total loop. Her lips are so soft and warm and I feel myself give in to their demands, kissing her back like my life depended on it.

When she ends the kiss she looks at me apologetic. "Sorry, I have kind of wanted to do that for the last 3 days.. Well see you guys. Have a good flight Tom".

"What the fuck was that Tom ?" Zac says, picking his jaw of the floor, staring at me.

"She kissed me...". I mumble, still looking after her.

Zac rubs his face, sounding like he is about to start laughing. "Yeah I saw that Tom, I am not blind.. I mean what is going on with you two ?"

"Zac you need to give me her number, I need to.. I can't.. I'll have to". Yeah I know I am rambling, but my brain is still not having full blood supply.

"Damn that have to be some kind of kiss". Zac say laughing and I glare at him. He holds up his hands. "Okay, okay I'll get her number for you Romeo".

"There is my handsome husband". Dahlia is standing in the small kitchen wearing one of my t-shirt taking newly baked cookies out of the oven. "Did you get both of them on their planes ?"

I walk over to sneak my arms around her, grabbing a cookie. "Oh my beautiful wife baked cookies.. Ouch, hot.. very hot".

"Of course, I just took it out the oven". She puts the oven tray down and takes my hand, kissing it softly. "Did you burn Your fingers".

"A little bit". I make a pained face.

She laughs and shakes her head. "Might teach you not to steal hot cookies. Now tell me, did you get them on their way ?"

"Oh yeah, I almost forgot. Maddie decided to snog Tom senseless right in the middle of the airport". I tell her. "I promised him to get her number for him.. I think he's in love".

She smiles happily and actually clap her hands. "Uhh I just knew it. I knew those two would so fall for each other.. you need to send him her number right away".

"You are so cute when you get all excited Mrs Pugh". I tell her, pulling her to me for a kiss. "But there is something else I need to do.. like call my family and tell them before the news is out".

"Yeah you are probably right, right after you have send her number to Tom, then you call them.. maybe I should call my family too". She say all excited.

I shake my head slightly, but I can't help smiling at her enthusiasm. "Okay then, what is her number ? Even though they are both on planes now so he can't contact her".

"Don't be such a buzzkill Zac, it's so cute. Did she really just kiss him ?" She asks me, getting all heart shaped eyes.

"Unless it was some very alternative tonsil exam, yeah she did". I say with a chuckle, sending the message to Tom after she has pushed in the number.

She jumps slightly on the spot. "Oh it is so romantic".

"Hmm more like a little awkward if you ask me.. not for them of course, but for me". I tell her.

She just shakes her head and I go flop down in an armchair, deciding to call Shekinah first, fearing her reaction the most.

"What the fuck Zac, you did it anyways, you proposed". Is the first thing out of my sisters mouth as she picks up the phone. "And don't try to deny it, there is pictures and film clips all over the net".

"Uhm hi sis, I miss you too". I say ignoring her ranting. "And yes, I did. Hey I did good right ?"

She sighs. "It looked like a perfect proposal sweetie, but Zac isn't it a bit fast ?"

"I know you mean well, but I have no doubt, no doubt at all about this. She is everything I ever wanted, my soul mate, my better half.. I just couldn't deny it". I tell her.

"Ohh sweetie, you do love her, I can hear that and I guess it is not up to me to decide when the time is right.. so congratulations .. when is the wedding ?" She asks.

I try finding the right way to tell her. "Well we are having a wedding in.. 2-3 months, as soon as we can get everything together.. but.. well.. we got married yesterday".

"You.. Got.. married.. YESTERDAY ?" Her voice makes me hold my phone away from my ear. "You got married without me being there ?"

"Yeah". I say nervously, scared to be yelled at again. "It was just.. it felt right.. and it was just us and two witnesses, we'll have the wedding at home with everyone there".

There is a long silence and I get rather nervous. Then she finally speak. "Zac for God's sake, the media will pull you apart for this, and her too. You are one crazy SOB you know that right ?"

"Yeah, you tell me pretty often.. and the media we can handle.. so I need to call everyone else.. am I forgiven ?" I ask softly.

"Oh damn you, yeah you are.. just never get married without me there again". She says with a small laugh.

I smile to myself. "Thank you sis.. we'll be home in about a week, so I'll see you soon".

"See you Zac, and no more rash decisions okay ?" She say.

"I promise, give my love to the family". We end the call and I look at Dahlia. "Well that went pretty well.. now for everyone else".

From Rome with love   (Book 1) A Zac Levi/Tom Hiddleston storyWhere stories live. Discover now