Maya meets with an accident

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Maya tells suhani that I need you to take care of mishti for a few days because I have to go out for some important work for my business. Suhani tells maya that I will take care of mishti for a few days. Maya tells suhani that's not a problem with me at all. Suhani agrees.

Maya leaves the house. Maya tells to herself that Arjun and saanjh are no more and now what am I going to do now. Maya tells to herself that I don't know what to do with my life now. Maya gets into her car and she leaves her house. A truck hits Maya's car and her car falls upside down. Blood starts to fall on Maya's head.

Suhani gets a call on her phone. The police tells suhani that maya has met with an accident. Suhani asks the police where is maya. The police tells suhani that maya is in the hospital. Suhani agrees and ends the call. Mishti asks Suhani what's wrong with maya. Suhani tells mishti that maya has met with an accident. Mishti asks Suhani will maya be okay. Suhani tells mishti that maya will be okay from her accident. Mishti asks Suhani where is maya now. Suhani tells mishti that maya is in the hospital.

Suhani and mishti reaches the hospital. The doctor tells suhani and mishti that I'm sorry to say that maya has memory loss. Suhani asks the doctor is maya okay. The doctor tells suhani that maya is okay but she cannot remember anything due to her memory loss. Suhani asks the doctor when can we go and meet maya. The doctor tells suhani that you can go and meet maya within 10 minutes from now. Suhani agrees. The doctor leaves the hallway now.

Mishti asks Suhani is maya okay from her accident. Suhani tells mishti that maya is okay from her accident. Mishti tells suhani that's good news to hear. Suhani agrees. Mishti asks Suhani when can we go and meet her. Suhani tells mishti that we can go and meet her within 10 minutes from now. Mishti agrees.

Leap situation for today......

Will maya get her memory back after 6 years. Will maya fall in love with Anurag. Stay tuned for tonight's chapter. The leap for beyhadh season 2 will begin tonight itself. 

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