Maya dies to her death

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Anurag tells maya that I don't want you to leave my life forever. Maya tells Anurag that I promise you that I won't leave your life forever. Anurag gets happy.

Ranveer tells mishti that we are finally married to each other. Mishti tells Ranveer that you got that right. Ranveer tells mishti that it is time for our honeymoon now. Mishti tells Ranveer that you might be right on that. Ranveer agrees.

Next day, maya tells suhani that I have to go out somewhere. Suhani asks maya will you ever come back to us. Maya tells suhani that I will not come back to you. Suhani asks maya where are you going to. Maya tells suhani that I'm going to manali. Suhani agrees.

Maya leaves with her car. Anurag sees maya in his way. Anurag's car breaks down. Anurag goes running to maya but she refuses. Anurag tries to call maya but she isn't answering to my calls. Anurag runs behind Maya's car.

Maya's car gets hit over the tree. Maya falls out from her car and she rolls down to the jungle. Anurag comes to the jungle feeling very tired of running. Anurag screams out Maya's name in pain. Anurag sees maya lying down unconscious on the ground. Anurag rubs Maya's hand. Anurag tells to himself that I must take maya to the hospital now.

Anurag rushes maya to the hospital. Anurag tells the doctor to save maya from her life please. The doctor tells Anurag that we will try our best to save her. Anurag agrees.

The doctor checks maya. Maya's heart stops working on the screen. The doctor tells the nurse that maya is dead. The nurse asks the doctor are you sure that maya is dead. The doctor tells the nurse that I'm pretty sure that maya is dead. The nurse agrees.

The doctor comes out from the room. Anurag gets up from his seat. Anurag asks the doctor how is maya now. The doctor tells Anurag that there is a bad news about Maya's life. Anurag asks the doctor what's the bad news that you have for me to listen to. The doctor tells Anurag that I'm so sorry to say that maya is no more. Anurag tells the doctor that maya can't be dead like this. The doctor tells Anurag that I'm sorry as I can't help you. The doctor leaves the hallway.

Anurag goes to the garden and he recalls all of his old moments that he has spent time with maya. Anurag cries for maya in pain. Just then, Rohan comes to Anurag. Anurag asks Rohan what are you doing here for. Rohan tells Anurag that I came here to meet you. Anurag tells Rohan that maya has died today. Rohan tells Anurag that you need to just forget about maya in your life. Anurag tells Rohan that I will forget about maya in my life.

Anurag tells Rohan that I will perform all of Maya's last rites for her death. Rohan asks Anurag should I perform Maya's last rites for her death with you. Anurag tells Rohan that I guess that you can perform the last rites of Maya's death with me. Rohan tells Anurag that I guess so too. Anurag agrees.

Promo of the leap........

Will Anurag be able to confess his love to simran. Stay tuned for the next chapter. This story is going to be having a revamp. Everything will get revamped from its beginning of beyhadh season 2. Only Nakuul Mehta is retained for the leap and hence there will be a new cast coming up in the leap.

How excited are you for this leap on the next chapter.

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