Anurag meets with an accident

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Suhani tells maya that it's good to get Anurag back to our business for now. Maya tells suhani that I want to get married to Anurag. Suhani tells maya that if you marry Anurag then what is going to be happening to mishti then. Maya tells suhani that I have no idea of that.

Mishti comes in with a sporty dress. Maya asks mishti what kind of dress is this. Mishti tells maya that this dress is only for my photo shoot only. Maya tells mishti that you need to wear casual clothes but not dresses. Mishti tells maya that I don't care and please don't say anything bad about my clothes. Maya tells mishti that I won't say anything bad about your clothes. Mishti agrees.

Anurag tells Ranveer to keep an eye on my house when I'm away. Ranveer tells Anurag that I will keep an eye on your house when I'm away. Anurag agrees. Anurag leaves the house now.

Mishti comes to Ranveer. Mishti asks Ranveer do you like my dress. Ranveer tells mishti that I really like your dress. Mishti tells Ranveer that I really thank you for saying that to me in my life. Ranveer tells mishti that you're welcome.

Anurag's car gets hit to the tree. Anurag gets out from his car. Anurag runs on the road. Anurag sees a jungle path so he decides to take that route. Anurag goes on the jungle path. Just then, a big storm came on the way.

Maya tells suhani that it's very windy in here now. Suhani tells maya that it means that there is a big storm coming in here. Maya tells suhani that I hope that Anurag doesn't fall in trouble with this storm. Suhani tells maya that I hope so too.

Anurag runs on the jungle path. Anurag falls down in the big storm and he rolls down from the ground and he hits his head against the tree and he faints. Maya stops her car. Maya tells suhani that Anurag has met with an accident. Suhani asks maya are you sure about this. Suhani tells maya that I'm really sure about this. Maya agrees.

Suhani tells maya that we must find Anurag before this storm ends. Maya tells suhani that you might be right on this. Suhani agrees.

Ranveer asks mishti will you accept my love. Mishti tells Ranveer that I will accept your love to you. Ranveer tells mishti that's great news to hear for now. Mishti agrees.

Maya and Suhani runs on the jungle path and they both see Anurag unconscious on the ground. Maya tells suhani that Anurag is caught by storm. Suhani tells maya that you need to make sure that Anurag is alright from the storm. Maya tells suhani that I will make sure that Anurag becomes alright from the storm. Suhani agrees.

Mishti asks Ranveer shall we dance now. Ranveer asks mishti that I guess that we can dance now. Mishti tells Ranveer that I guess that we can dance now. Ranveer tells mishti that I guess so too. Mishti agrees.

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