Maya meets anurag for the first time in her life

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Mishti tells maya that I'm not ready to grow up. Maya tells mishti that I know that you can do this. Mishti tells maya that I won't do it. Suhani comes to maya. Maya tells suhani that mishti doesn't want to grow up. Suhani tells maya that maybe I can help mishti to grow up in her attitude. Maya tells suhani that I totally agree with you for this.

Suhani comes to mishti. Mishti asks Suhani what did you come here for. Suhani tells mishti that I came here to meet you. Mishti asks Suhani what do you want to talk to me about. Suhani tells mishti that I want to talk to you about your future life. Mishti tells suhani that I don't mind for talking to me about that. Suhani tells mishti that you have to grow up  to be what you are in the future. Mishti tells suhani that I will not grow up in the future. Suhani tells mishti that you have to do this. Mishti tells suhani that I will grow up and be in the future. Suhani gets happy.

Maya comes to Suhani. Maya asks Suhani did mishti approve to you about her grow up in her future. Suhani tells maya that mishti has approved to me about her grow up in her future. Maya tells suhani that's great news to hear for now. Suhani agrees.

6 years later, mishti is grown up as a child. Maya is still alone without any love interest in her life. Suhani tells mishti that you are ready to go to school. Mishti tells suhani that I won't go to school. Suhani asks mishti why won't you go to school. Mishti tells suhani that I will not know anyone in my new school. Suhani  tells mishti that I know that you are nervous about your new school and I'm pretty sure that you will make new friends in your school. Mishti tells suhani that I'm ready to go to school.

Mishti comes to maya. Mishti asks maya when am I going to school. Maya tells mishti that you are going to school on tomorrow morning. Mishti agrees.

Next day, maya tells suhani that I still don't have a new love interest with my life since 6 years. Suhani tells maya that you will get a new love interest sometime very soon. Maya tells suhani that you might be right on this. Suhani agrees.

Maya comes to mishti. Maya asks mishti are you ready to go to school now. Mishti tells maya that I'm ready to go to school now. Maya tells mishti that's great news to hear for now. Mishti agrees.

Maya comes to Suhani. Maya tells suhani that I need you to take care of my house when I'm away to drop mishti to her new school. Suhani tells maya that I will take care of your house when you're away. Maya agrees.

Maya goes to school with mishti. Just then, Anurag stops his car and sees a school yard. Anurag decides to play soccer in there. Maya tells the principal that my daughter mishti is ready to go to school now. The principal tells maya let me take you and mishti to your class. Maya tells the principal that I don't mind you for taking us to mishti's new class. The principal agrees.

Oye hoye plays........

The principal introduces mishti and maya into the class. The principal leaves the room. The teacher comes to mishti. Mishti asks maya who's my teacher. Maya tells mishti that your teacher is nimrat kaur khurana. Mishti asks maya is she a good teacher. Maya tells mishti that she is a very good teacher. Nimrat introduces herself to mishti. Mishti tells nimrat that it is very nice to meet you. Nimrat tells mishti that it is very nice to meet you too.

Maya tells mishti that I have to go out now. Mishti asks maya who's going to be taking care of me at school. Maya tells mishti that nimrat is going to be taking care of you at school. Mishti agrees. Maya leaves the school and Anurag sees a girl walking by. Anurag decides to stop the girl with some trick.

Anurag throws bubblegum on maya. Maya comes to Anurag. Maya asks Anurag why did you throw bubblegum on me. Anurag tells maya that I didn't mean to drop bubblegum on you. Maya tells Anurag to not throw bubblegum on me from next time. Anurag tells maya that I promise you that I won't throw bubblegum on you from next time. Maya agrees.

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