Bold Chapter 2

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"How about this? Female heads of unions about how the number of women in leadership roles is still disproportionately low... and we covered something similar last May" as Sakura is walking back in fourth with Naruto leaning back in the chair with his feet up on the table.

Naruto puts his hands up in defense "I didn't say that, but we covered something similar last May."

Sakura rolls her bright green orbs "I'm second-guessing everything".

"I know you're frustrated but go with what's in your gut, what does Sakura Haruno care about?"

"Um, Sakura Haruno cares about not looking like an idiot in front of Tsunade." Sakura says with frustration in her voice.

"Why do you even care what that old woman has to say." Naruto snickers.

"Excuse me?"

Tsunade is now leaning over Naruto with fire in her eyes.

"Oh, Shi-" he blurts right as she pushes down on the chair causing both it and Naruto to fall on the ground hard.

Naruto rubs the painful bump on the back of his head.

"Get back to work Naruto, I might be your god-mother but I am still your boss!!"

As the embarrassed blonde leaves the room he mutters "you're still old granny"


Out of fear Naruto runs as fast as he can.

Tsunade then turns the scared Pinkett hiding in the corner. "I am sorry about that Sakura, let's have a quick talk."

Sakura silently nods in agreement.

Once in her office, Tsunade shuts the large glass door behind Sakura and says, "It just clicked for me what is going wrong with your ideas." She walks over to her rolling bar and pulls out a bottle of sake and two glasses.

"You are pitching what you think I want to hear" as she pours the alcohol into the cups she pushes one towards Sakura and takes the other shot for herself.

"You are a new voice and I want to hear it." Tsunade pours and takes another shot of sake "My schedule is full today, but come to my office first thing in the morning and we can talk more about this."

Sakura instantly becomes nervous and takes a shot of the alcoholic drink in her hand.


"Girls I spent the last few hours tracing the untraceable! I mean what kind of famous artist doesn't have a social media account – Hinata, what's wrong with her?"

Ino points at the sad pinkette who is sprawled out on the large ottoman in the middle of the fashion closet.

"Tsunade hated all of my ideas."

"She didn't hate them," Hinata reassures Sakura as she is looking through the clothes on the rack.

"Oh, no, she was just fascinated by how boring they were." Sakura groaned.

Wanting to change the subject Sakura says "Let's talk about Ino's gangster artist"

"I'm going to persuade that artist to be in the magazine." As Ino joins Sakura on the oversized ottoman.

With concern on Hinata's face, she intervenes "Oh, no, Ino, I would let it go. Samui was not happy today" while taking a seat next to Sakura.

"That's because she is threatened by anyone young with ambition, like me!" Ino states proudly.

Hinata rolls her eyes, "she wasn't happy with the interruption"

Ino jumps up quickly "Hinata, she was basically telling me to go after that story and I will do what is needed for the followers!" as she runs out the room to complete mission impossible.

Hinata sighs "I want to be as confident as her, how did she get to be so confident?"

Sakura looks at her with a questionable face, "Was she overly-praised as a child?"

The two girls start laughing when they were interrupted by the sound of a phone ringing from Hinata's bag.

"Don't Answer it! I need support, Tsunade doesn't think I'm capable of being a writer and is going to fire me!"

Hinata rummages through her bag and pulls out her phone. "It looks like I'm needed by Samui, sorry I have to go Sakura."

Hinata quickly takes off while yelling "It will be okay, you're the best writer this magazine has ever seen!" with an anxious Sakura alone in the fashion closet.

Not long after Hinata leaves Sakura feels a familiar annoying presence near her.

"Go away Naruto!" Sakura says while laying on the ottoman with her eyes still closed.

"Hey! That hurts my feeling! I was going to invite you out to join me and our old group from college, but I guess not!" Naruto soon begins to walk away slowly "Choji just opened up a bar and tonight is the grand opening."

Naruto still had his back turn knows that his friend hasn't moved, he adds "Drinks are free all night"

"What are you waiting for Naruto, Let's go!" Sakura says as she grabs him by the arm running out of the closet. "But first, my apartment so I can change."


Sakura unlocks the large wooden door of her apartment "excuse the mess Naruto, Hinata and I have been so busy we haven't had a chance to deep clean. I know this is probably driving Hinata crazy because she is such a neat freak, in a cute way" Sakura finishes her statement with a smile.

Naruto pictured his own apartment and figured it wouldn't be that bad.

'What the Hell!' Clothes were scatted all over the apartment, dishes piled up in the sink, and trash that was needed to be taken out. He then notices two orange Maine Coon cats just chilling on the couch in the middle of the big loft surrounded by toys.

"Shit, those are some big cats, they look like lions! Sakura, I didn't even know you liked cats." Naruto yells while Sakura is in her room changing.

She pokes her head out of the door "oh, no, those are Hinata's cats. She adopted them when she was volunteering at the animal shelter in college. The one on the right, his name is Yuuto and the other one her name is Yuko. They are twins so that's why they look the exact same." Sakura goes back to her room and yells "don't be shy, they are both very gentle." She begins to laugh, "how ironic, because that is what their names mean."

"Speaking of Hinata" Naruto yells as he makes his way to the couch "Where is she?"

"Oh, she said that she already had plans for the night but Ino will meet us after she finishes some work at the office," yelled Sakura.

"Oh," Naruto says softly with a little bit of disappointment in his voice.

Just then Sakura walks out in the same red stilettos, wearing white skinny jeans with a red crop top and a leather jacket to finish off the look. "Alright let's go, I need to let off some steam tonight because I am stressed about my meeting with Tsunade in the morning!"

Naruto puts on his biggest grin and jumps in excitement. "Yeah!"

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