Bold Chapter 3

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Hinata finishes up some of the final touches to the magazines 60th-anniversary gala that's in a few days. As she is entering the elevator, her phone rings. It is a text message from Sakura inviting her to a new bar in Konoha. She really wanted to go meet some of Sakura's old college friends, Hinata went to a private college that focused on Business and Science. Suddenly she became lost in thought thinking back to when she graduated high school.


"Father, you wanted to see me?" Hinata says timidly when entering the large double doors of her father's home office. She sees him sitting at his big wooden desk focused only on what he was writing in front of him. Without even looking up he says "yes Hinata, come in".

The walk from the door to the chair in front of the desk felt like an eternity. Hinata look at the walls full of awards, plaques and Newspaper clippings honoring the great Hiashi Hyuga CEO of the Hyuga Real Estate Company. She always noticed that he had the same stern look on his face in every photo he was in.

She soon reached her destination across from her father and was drowning in memories. Thinking of all the conversations they had in this very spot about his disappointment in her and her ability to one day run the company.

"Hinata, congratulations on graduating top of your class," Hiashi says while still looking down at his work.

Hinata's lavender eye widen in shock that her father praised her for something.

He continues "I have a few connections and was able to get you a spot at one of the most prestigious university in Konoha in their business program."

Like a nervous tick Hinata would push her pointer fingers together. She so badly wanted to say no to business school. Say no to running the company. Say no to his control over her, however, she knew she didn't have the strength the tell him that. 

 "I expect nothing but perfection from you because your actions not only reflect me but this company as a whole. You may leave now and shut the door on your way out."

"Yes father, thank you," Hinata said quietly.

Once outside the office, her eyes fill with tears but fighting to control the emotion surrounding her.

She soon hears footsteps that could only belong to one person "Hinata, are you okay?" the strong voice says.

"I'm okay, thank you for worrying about me Neij," she says while only looking at the ground trying not to make eye contact with her cousin.

"I know Hagoromos college of business was not your first choice, but Uncle is doing what he thinks is best for you," Neji says with sincerity.

"I know," Hinata says before her wet lavender eyes meet grey. 

Neji was already in his second year at Hogoromos and is considered an important person in the family business. He was dressed in his most expensive suit that complimented his strong build and he had his long brown hair tied back in a low ponytail. He looked as though he had just gotten out of an important meeting.

Hinata put on a fake smile "I'm not hungry, so please Nii-san you and Hanabi eat without me tonight" and walked away before her cousin could say another word.

Tears began to fill her eyes and once behind the safe walls of her room she fell on the floor and let all of her emotions take over. She looks over and sees her precious purple shoebox hidden under the bed. Hinata slowly gets up and take the box out, placing it on her desk. She opens it only to pull out sketches of different dresses she thought of, various fabrics, a torn up red scarf, and an Emerald Green Magazine. It was at that moment her dreams died and she had to put her responsibly first.


Hinata was brought back to reality when her phone vibrated in her hand and saw she had a text message from Sakura. It was a picture Sakura secretly took of Naruto petting Yuko and Yuuto who looked infatuated with the handsome blonde. 

The text under the photo said 'looks like you might have some competition. 😉'

 Hinata blushed a bit from embarrassed from the comment but seeing how Naruto was interacting with her precious Maine Coot cats really made her happy.

The elevator doors open into the front lobby of the building and she put her phone back in her bag. She waves goodbye at the night security guards and then sees a black SUV with a tall man in a suit holding the door for her to get in. Hinata couldn't think about the secret desires for the blond because she had to be committed to Toneri.


Hey guys! Sorry this was a short chapter but I am almost done with the next one. Trust me more action and romance to come!

I wanna give a big shout out to Blazing_blossom for the support and voting! If you like my stories please vote! Thanks!

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