Bold Chapter 7

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Sakura takes a shot of tequila and quickly walks over to the group of guys checking her out.

"Hey guys, is this chair open?" she says with her flirtatious smirk.

All three men quickly stand up talking at once trying to offer their chair to the confident pinkette.

Sakura sits down and begins to introduce herself to the frat looking guys. They start taking shot after shot eventually leading to one of the guy's courage to get Sakura up and on the small dance floor. They start dancing on each other with his hand on her waist and her arms over his shoulders. Sakura then looks over to sees Sasuke staring in her direction with his face looking more pissed off than normal. She knew she was getting the point across.

Soon the song ended, and Sakura was trying to go back to the table when suddenly, the guy quickly pulls her towards him. He begins to kiss her neck very aggressively and weirdly with lots on the tongue. This made her extremely uncomfortable and kind of grossed out. Sakura was all for flirting but had no intentions in taking the guy home.

She tried to play it off by moving away from him laughing awkwardly, however, he grabbed Sakura's hips pulling her closer forcing his lips on hers. She pushed him off quickly almost making him fall on the ground.

"What the hell bitch!" He yells at Sakura.

"I said no the first time you jerk!" She yells back.

She tries walking away but he grabs her arm "Don't walk away from me you whore".

"Ouch!" she yells trying to get out of his grip.

Sakura was about to throw a punch when she feels someone grab her hand mid-air, looking up behind her to see who was intervening.

"Sasuke?" she says softly to herself.

Sakura notices how serious his face was as he stares directly at the guy holding on to her.

"She said no" in his cold harsh voice.

"Who the hell are you? This is none of your concern. "while pointing his finger at Sasuke.

Sakura is pissed at the whole situation, "I can take care of myself; I don't need you swooping in like prince charming".

Sasuke ignores her comment.

"So what are you her boyfriend?" in a pissed tone

Sasuke moves a little closer towards him "And? I don't appreciate you touching her."

Soon the pervs friends show up looking ready to fight if needed.

"Tsk" Sasuke rolls his eyes "as if the three of you could take me on"

Sakura not liking where this is heading and grabs Sasuke by the arm pleading with him to stop.

He just shrugs her off his arm moving closer towards the guys.

A familiar blonde takes a step in front of her. "Sakura, don't get involved you could get hurt," he says as he is trying to herd her away from the fight that is about to break out.

Sakura is beyond pissed at this point, thinking of how all her life men have found a way to take her power little by little.

As if it was instinct, she punches Naruto in the gut making him fall on the ground.

She steps over his curled-up body and briskly walks towards the perv guy. He was about to say something rude to her when she sucker punches him across the face. He looked like he was in shock for a second and then he was on the ground the next.

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