Bold Chapter 4

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Sakura and Naruto walk past the long line of people waiting to get into the new bar. Once at the front they are expected to give their information to the bouncer but are surprised to see who it was.

"Hey, Choji!" Naruto yells in excitement to see his old friend.

"Naruto, Sakura! Haven't seen you guys in a while!"

"What are you doing working out here? You should be inside celebrating with everyone else, It's your opening night!" Says Sakura.

"One of my bouncers didn't show so I'm covering till the other guy gets here. You two should go ahead and get in, everyone should be inside". He says with a smile on his face.

"Thanks' Choji, see you in a bit," Sakura yells as she and Naruto walk through the double doors of the bar. They look around and it is packed full of young adults talking in groups listening to live music playing.

"Oh, there they are!" Sakura points towards a small group of people standing at the bar.

"Yo," Naruto yells walking towards the pineapple headed guy standing with his blonde girlfriend and her red-headed brother.

Shikamaru waves at them and turns towards the bartender.

"Sakura, Naruto. Good to see you two." Temari says to them while her boyfriend hands them both a drink.

Everyone is enjoying themselves; the boys are at the bar taking shots while the girls are just a few barstools over catching up.

"Congratulations on moving up to writer Sakura," Temari says to the pinkette who just quickly chugged down her second drink.

"Thanks, but I'm honestly having a really hard time with this new position. I should have just gone into political speech writing like you and Shikamaru." She says while waving her empty glass towards the bartender for another one. "I dreamed of working for Emerald Magazine ever since I was in high school, maybe I'm just not cut out for this after all".

Temari quickly grabs the new drink out of Sakura hand. "Stop feeling sorry for yourself. You will hit challenges no matter what direction you go in life."

Before Sakura could speak her next thought, they hear "What a drag."

They look over to see Shikamaru walks towards them casually with his hand in his pockets.

Temari gives him a curious look.

He points his thumb towards the front door behind him. "Ino just showed up and has been bugging me all day about finding out information about that artist Sia guy. Just because I work for the government does not mean I have information to every person in Kohona."

"SHIKAMARU!" everyone except Shikamaru head turns towards a pissed off Ino with Choji not far behind her smiling. " I have been trying to get ahold of you all day, we have been friends since we were kids it's the least you can do. Also, you owe me because I got you and Temari Togeth-"

"Okay, I will help you, just shut up!" as Shikamaru is pinching the bridge of his nose in annoyance.

Ino jumps up and down cheering till she sees her pinkette best friend. "Oh, Sakura, hey! did you hear that, I'm so close to getting this story back in the fall issue." she grabs her childhood friend by the arm "Sorry Temari, I'm going to borrow your boyfriend for a little!" she drags Shikamaru away while waving in the air and yelling "I will be back soon Sakura!" and they disappear in to the crowd.

Sakura looks at Temari "sooooo, you going to go help him?"

"No, he is a grown ass man and can take care of himself" then takes a sip of Sakura's alcoholic drink.

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