Bold Type Chapter 31

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"So, you nervous for the boys to meet Sai tonight?" Sakura says while taking a bite of her sandwich.

"A little" the blonde woman says playing with her salad. "I just worry, when they don't like one of my boyfriends they act like mean high school girls."

Sakura laughed "oh, yeah I remember you dated that British foreign exchange student freshman year and they made him cry!"

"Exactly! Shikamaru and Choji can be mean!"

Sakura looked over at the blonde "okay, but honestly how was anyone to know he was that scared of spiders and then he used you as a shield before running off in tears."

Ino leaned back "yeahhh lots of red flags with that guy."

"I think it is cute when they act all protective over you Ino."

Ino rolled her eyes "well you can take them then because they get on my damn nerves!"

Sakura laughs out loud. "So where are you going to meet up tonight?"

"We decided to meet at Chojis bar, I haven't been since opening night." Ino takes a bite of her food.

Sakura looks down thinking about that night, it felt so long ago but she remembers every moment.

Ino continues. "Sai is going to meet me here and we will meet up with Shikamaru and Temari at their job and just walk to the bar."

"I am sure it will go well" the pinkette smiles at her friend.

Ino leans closer to her friend "Soo, you going to go out with that cutie again?"

Sakura rolls her eye "yeah, we are going out for some drink later tonight."

Ino smiled at her friend "oh la la"

Just then they saw a flash of yellow come towards them and know instantly it was Naruto.

"Hey, Naruto" Ino winks at the blonde.

He looked annoyed "Why do you keep doing that? For the past few days, you haven't said a word to me you just wink!"

She winks again.

"Stop it!"

Ino laughs out loud "Okay well I have to get back to work!" she then turns to Naruto and winks one more time before taking her to leave.

"Really?" he looks over at Sakura as he takes his seat.

"Why are you looking at me? I am not the one going around having sex in the-"

"SHHHHHHHH" he gets up quickly to make sure that no one heard.

Sakura laughed at how red he was "hey if it is any consolation, you had some very high praising"

"Really?" he sits back down smiling.

"Don't get a big head about it."

"Have you seen Hinata? Its been a few days and I haven't seen her since the meeting. Plus she won't respond to any of the messages or calls."

Sakura just shook her head "No, I see her going in and out of the apartment but I was assuming shes been at your place."

Just then they see the Bluenette walk across Emerald's main area and Naruto darts towards her.

"Hinata!" Naruto yelled running towards her with a big grin on his face.

"Naruto," she said quietly looking around as if them talking was bad.

Soon he was standing only a few feet away "I was wondering if you wanted to go get dinner with me tonight" he said sheepishly.

Hinata was in shock full a joy but then she remembered the conversation with Toneri from a few days ago. "I don't think that is a good idea."

The Bold Type (Naruto AU)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ