Bold type Chapter 28

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"He never messages me when he is out of town," Ino whines as she throws her phone on her desk.

"Well good morning to you too." Sakura smiles making her way into Inos office. "Maybe he is busy or has a bad signal? Where is he anyway?" Her pinkette friend says leaning back on the couch while tapping away on her laptop.

Ino thinks for a second "I don't know, at an art thing, should I be worried?"

"No, he doesn't seem like the cheating type plus when I see you two together he can't keep his eyes off you."

Ino put her hand under her chin "Yeah but we haven't talked on if we are exclusive or not."

Sakura not even looking up from her work "You look exclusive to me. Maybe you should have the talk with him when he gets back."

"I don't know it has only been a few weeks, do you think its too soon? I don't want to scare him off"

Sakura gives her a confused look "Really? Ino, you are known for always rushing it."

"Shut up!" The blonde throws a pencil at her friend. "It seems different with him".

Sakura looks at her flustered friend with a smile. "I can tell and I am happy for you."

Ino smiles back at her friend. "Speaking of guys. How are things going with you and that Sasori guy from yesterday?"

Sakuras face got serious fast "I am still mad at you for that"

"Oh, come on! You need to get out there again. One date won't hurt you!"

The green-eyed beauty just rolled her eyes.

"Plus, Sakura, you are dressed rather extra cute today! Don't think I didn't notice your extra skinny jeans that always makes your ass look good, you low key like him a bit"

Sakura turned red "Its laundry day, plus I do love Shinobi so who would say no to a free ticket to there concert. Plus we have been texting and he doesn't seem horrible... yet."

"I am just happy to see you moving on, you deserve to be happy Sakura."

The pinkette looks at her friend "So do you Ino."

Ino smiles but noticed a certain bluenette quickly walk past her office in a hurry. "Oh Hinata?"

Sakura look behind her through the glass wall separating Inos office from the main floor.

"She looks like she is on a mission. Wait she is heading to Kurenai office, I wonder if she made her choice."

The two watch as Hinata enters the office that is also separated by glass-like walls, meaning they can see everything. They watch as the women interact with one another.

"I wonder what they are talking about?"

"Gosh Sakura, I am so nervous!"

Sakura draws her attention back to her friend in the other room "Oh no, she just bowed! That is not good! I don't think she took the job."

They see Hinata leave and notice that they caught her attention. They immediately duck behind the couch waiting, not saying a word till they were in the clear. They slowly peak up to see their friend no longer in sight.

"Shit, Sakura do you think she saw us?"

"Yes, I saw you."

They both quickly look over to the door and Hinata is standing in her knee-length black long sleeve skater dress that had a simple tie in the front.

"Ah, Hinata, Hi! Fancy seeing you here!" The pinkette says with a smile.

Hinata lightly laughs "why are you two hiding? It's not like anything around here is a secret."

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