Bold Type Chapter 10

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Ino's Stilettos hit loudly against the concrete ground as she gets exist the subway following directions to the artist studio. She was a little behind on schedule because of the whole Hinata secret engagement thing. She was worried about her innocent friend that will go to such extremes to make others happy and does nothing for herself.


Once at the correct address, Ino knocks loudly on the large wooden door. The building looked old and as if it was also under construction. She knocks harder trying to be louder than the classical music playing from behind the door. She pushes on the door and it opened without an issue.

"Wow, this guy must be tough if his door is unlocked in the middle of the city," Ino says to herself.

She continues through the building that is covered in construction tarp. She follows the loud music down the long hall. It leads her to this large studio with nothing but the natural sun lighting the room up. She sees rows and rows of beautiful paintings all telling a story of it own. One painting, in particular, caught her eye. It was a traditional oil painting of a large black and white tiger surrounded by a rainbow of colorful flowers.

"Wow," Ino said out loud to herself.

"Beautiful, is it not?" Said a soft voice from behind her.

Ino quickly turned around to see it was the man in the article cover, whom she first saw a photo of at the fall presentation. He was more handsome in person, with the pale skin that complimented his almost black hair. He was wearing dark washed jeans and a black A-shirt that showed off his slim yet muscular figure.

"I am sorry, I knocked a few times and no one came so I kind of just walked in," Ino said trying to keep from blushing.

"It's okay, the name is Sai, nice to meet you" As the handsome artist bows properly.

"Ino Yamanaka, I'm the Social Media Director of Emerald Magazine"

"Emerald? I'm sorry I already said I did not want to do the article." Sai says with a now serious face. He then walks over to a half-done canvas and continues to work on it.

Ino is confused at his actions of just walking away from their conversation. But she worked hard to get where she is and was not giving up without a fight.

"Yes, but this is a huge opportunity to share your art with so many even outside the city of Konoha." She continues "Emerald has a circulation of over 3 million. Between all the social platforms, which I am actually in charge of, we reach 6 million more people. I understand that those might be kind of intimidating."

"Not really" the artist inputs "I just don't see the appeal of using such a thing as social media, I am a bit more of a traditionalist." He gets up and looks at the painting Ino was admiring earlier. "Painting is something that can only be seen with the bare eye. You are able to see the beauty of every stroke, of every color, of every inch. Why would I want to expose my artwork to those who do not truly appreciate the meaning behind it, especially your Magazine".

Ino was annoyed at this point "Emerald Magazine is a safe place for not only women but also the outcast. We focus our energy to make everyone feel heard and not alone in this large and scary world."

Sai was about to say something but Ino quickly cut him off. "The tiger shows the pain of life yet you added the colorful flowers to show that there is more in life than pain and tragedy. That with freedom of your chains there is beauty, love, and Joy."

Ino looks over at the artist who looked amused with what she said.

"I mean I'm no art critic but I am a fan of the emerald magazine. What you create is exactly the message that needs to be shared with the outside world. Please just think about it... this is my card, give me a call when you want to tell your story."

She smiled gently at the quite artist and then exited out the building.

Sai looks down at the card. "Ino, the beautiful women that left as quickly as she came. I look forward to seeing how this turns out."

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