Bold Type Chapter 35

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Guys, we are almost at the end of this story! I can not believe I started this over a year ago as my first fanfic this is just crazy! I want to say thank you for all the support all the votes it really has made this fun and I will continue to write more!

Enjoy these last two chapters! Btw super long chapters!


Sasuke, Naruto, and Shikamaru are all standing around Sakura's apartment. They are waiting for the girls to finish getting ready for the gala that starts in two hours.

Naruto pushed up his tux sleeve to check his watch "Ino! Sakura! Hurry up! Its already takes an hour and a half to even get to the Hyuga Estate!"

"Calm down we will get there on time. But you can't rush beauty!" Ino yelled coming out of the bathroom. She was dressed in a long light purple maxi dress with a very deep v that accentuated her chest and a high slit on the side.

Shikamaru rolled his eye "Whatever, just get Sakura out here so we can go over a few things."

Ino lifted an eyebrow "Hey, your girlfriend is the one in there doing her makeup why don't you go tell her?"

Shikamaru just looked at her before giving up and quietly muttering "troublesome woman"


Naruto looked down to see Hinata's two cats rubbing against his legs. He leans down petting their heads "Don't worry you two, I will bring Hinata back."

"Okay, I am done" Temari came out with Sakura not far behind. She was wearing bright red, off the shoulder Trumpet mermaid styled dress that really accentuated her backside.

"Is it too much?" she asked with a bit of pink on her face.

"Sakura you are beautiful!" Ino sang.

"Can we get this over with, I have to pick up Karin soon," Sasuke said not looking in Sakura's direction.

She felt a little disappointed, she wanted to get a little reaction out of him but had to push that aside. The whole week they kept their space only glancing in each other's direction every once in a while. This was a one-time thing, she knows they are in this for different reasons and after all this, he will be gone again.

"Okay, I got each of you a small earpiece, all you have to do is gently tap on it and it will pick up your voice. Temari and I will be in a van about two blocks south with a technician named Shino. You have all met him a few times at work."

"Yeah, the weird quiet guy?" Naruto asked.

Shikamaru rolled his eyes "Yes Naruto but Shino is actually close friends with Hinata. So earlier this week he was able to go in and bug the whole place so we could have audio and visual.

"If Shino is close to Hinata could he not have told Hinata and ended this whole thing sooner?" Ino asked.

Shikamaru shook his head "I told him not to say anything, we don't know who would be listening or if that would just worsen the situation. We didn't want to risk his or Hinatas safety plus we need solid proof of his actions to turn him over."

Everyone nodded in agreement.

He continued. "Sakura and Sasuke already have tickets thanks to their dates inviting them so that made it easy. But for you two" he pointed at Ino and Naruto "I had to hack into their guest list and put your names down. so you won't run into any issues plus with you already being close with Hinata no one would suspect anything. Okay, so you guys know the rest right?"

The Bold Type (Naruto AU)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن