Bold Type Chapter 17

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Hinata awakes and quickly tries to find her phone so she can turn the alarm off but is instantly blinded by the morning light coming in through the living room window. After struggling for a few minutes, she finally finds the phone under the couch. It then hit her that she woke up on the couch not in her bed and then she hears a light snore. It was Naruto, He was dead asleep in the big chair across from her. Remembering she invited him in for some tea and talked the majority of the night. She could not stop staring at how beautiful his facial features were. How chiseled his jawline was, how his eyes make you feel like you in heaven, how his blonde hair reflects off the sun's rays making him glow. Any God would envy the looks that his man has.

Suddenly his eyes flutter open and only took him a few seconds to realize where he was. "Oh, morning Hinata." He says casually with a yawn.

"Good Morning Naruto" She quickly gets up to the kitchen so he wouldn't think she was just staring at him. "Are you hungry? I can make some breakfast".

"No thanks I actually have to get to the office a little early to work on my article. Plus, today is the day of the gala I am sure that you have a lot that you need to get done! I mean you are the brains behind the whole thing!" He says with a smile.

Hinata comes out in her favorite white cooking apron holding a large wooden spoon. "No, Samui, always spends her Friday mornings at her favorite yoga class, so I don't have to go in for another hour or so. I was about to make some pancakes, but if you have to go, I understand." She says with a half-smile not really wanting him to leave.

Naruto chuckles while scratching the back of his head "I mean if you are offering to make pancakes, I can't turn that down!" he continues "while you do that Hinata, do you mind if I use your shower? I may not have time to go to my place."

Hinata's face turns a little red by the thought.

"u-um, y-e-ea-h g-go ahead"

"Thanks! I will be out before you know it!" he yells making his way to the restroom.


Hinata looks down to see her beautiful twin cats wrapping themselves around her feet.

"oh, you two stop it! I feed you both last night, no begging"

She then turns towards the sink to get water for the mix. The nozzle gets stuck like always "ugh I thought the landlord fixed this already" as soon as it comes loose water sprays all over her till she was able to get it to stop. She quickly cleaned up the watery mess then noticed she was now soaked.

"oh no!" she quickly grabs a towel to dry her hair and changed into shorts and her large sweatshirt with her university's name on it.

Just as Hinata put the pancake mix on the hot pan the door unlocks and there Sakura walk in.

"Good Morning Sakura!"

"Morning," She says with exhaustion in her voice.

"Were you at the office the whole night?"

Sakura jumps up on the kitchen counter behind Hinata "Kind of, I got through most of my draft for the article but ended up falling asleep." She laughs aloud a little. "But the big question here is are you making pancakes? You only make them when something good is happening."

Hinata turns around handing Sakura a plate "No, I just felt like making them".

Sakura looks at her food and suddenly is just not in the mood, she has been thinking about Sasuke all night.

"What's wrong Sakura? I know when something is bothering you" Hinata says with concern in her voice.

"I saw something last night...." She continues to tell Hinata of what she saw the night before. "Gosh, why am I so worried about this guy!? He always finds a way to snake his way into my life and then ends up leaving me more broken then I was before! If he is in something bad that is on him!"

Hinata doesn't know what to say, she just grabs her hand and gives a gentle smile to let her know that everything is going to be okay. Sakura squeezes her hand giving her kind friend a thankful smile for the support.

"Hinata, you always know what to say without even saying anything" Sakura begins to laugh making Hinata feel a little more at ease.

"WOW Hinata, it smells so good in here!" Naruto yells as he is standing there in just a white towel around his waist and a smaller one around his neck.

Hinata instantly turns red in an embarrassment of not only seeing his beautiful structured abs but she knew what Sakura thought of the situation.

"Hey, Sakura! How are the pancakes? They smell amazing."

Sakura ends up looking back in forth between the blonde and her roommate trying to connect the dots. 'They both have wet hair, Hinata is wearing large sweater making it look like she is not wearing pants, and Naruto is literally in their apartment at seven in the morning practically naked!' Just as Naruto walks further into the kitchen Sakura jumps down in front of him blocking his way.

"What the hell are you doing Naruto?" Sakura says with a serious tone.

"Hinata made me breakfast" with a smile on his face.

"I know Tsunade raised you better than that!" She yells grabbing him by the ear dragging him towards the bathroom. "who do you think you are walking about our place butt ass naked, get dressed" and throws him back into the bathroom slamming the door shut.

Sakura then turns to Hinata pointing her finger "I am going to change but you have some explaining to do." before she quickly closed her bedroom door shut.

Hinata just stands there with a spatula in one hand and a plate in the other with a confused look on her face "Ummm okay.."

The Bold Type (Naruto AU)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ