Bold Type Chapter 36 Final

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*Clink Clink*

All the guests look up to see Hiashi Hyuga tapping on the glass to catch everyone's attention. Hinata, Hanabi, and Neji stand right beside him with a large screen from behind showing the same light blue graphic just like on the invitation.

"Guests, I would like to thank you all for joining us for our Annual Hyuga Company Gala. My family hosts this event every year to thank all of you who make this company a success!" Soon the screen showed a line graph indicating an increase in profits. "We were able to hit our goals and it was our highest-earning year yet."

The crowd clapped in excitement and the board members shook each other hands with the news. Just then Toneri joined the family standing next to Hinata causing her to stiffen.

"I would also like to announce some exciting news" Hiashis voice caused her to focus. "My eldest daughter Hinata is engaged to Toneri Otsuki. This marriage will bring us more jobs, opportunity, profit, and overall success."

The guests are clapping in celebration of the news as Hiashis hands Toneri the mic so he could speak with the crowd. He then makes his way to stand next to his eldest and looks right at her with joy in his eyes "I am so proud of you"

Those words, the one thing she had desired from him. For a split second, she didn't want to go through with this plan. A plan that could negatively affect the company, her family, and worse her father's new faith in her. But she was brought back to reality when the blonde Uzumaki emerges slightly from the shadows watching her. He made her realize that the Hyuga's are strong and they will get through this. Hinata is doing this to protect all of them but also deserved to be with the one she truly loved.

Just as Toneri was finishing up his speech Hinata found her self next to him and gently grabbing the mic from his hands.

"Hello everyone, I hope you have all enjoyed your time at the gala but I do have my own news to share on this special occasion." She then takes the engagement ring off and hands it Toneri "I will not marry a man that is going to set up my family for his own financial gain"

"Hinata!" Hiashi braked in anger.

"What are you talking about my love?" he said trying to laugh off the accusation.

The Hyuga held her gaze with the Otsutsuki not backing down "I know everything!" She quickly turned to her eldest cousin. "Neji?"

Neji then pulls two papers out and hands them to his uncle "Toneri had gone back and modified the contact for the marriage after you signed it to take all of your money."

"That is not true! you could have just made that yourself Neji, you always had it out for me!" Toneri yelled

Hinata intervened "Father, you have to believe us! Toneri is only looking out for himself he does not care about our family values."

Hiashi was in shock not knowing what was happening "Hinata I.."

Toneri laughed lightly "you have no proof Hinata" he then paused grabbing her arm "my love I think you are just a little tired, let's get you back-"

Just then the image on the screen was replaced with a video, the video of Toneri admitting everything to Sai.

Hiashi watches in horror while Toneri was running across the room towards the DJ booth. destroying everything just to get the video to stop but it was too late.

"Don't worry Toneri" Ino said from behind him "I already posted the clip on all of Emerald's social media platforms and quickly trending" she said with a smirk.

Toneri was boiling in anger that this woman ruined everything. Within seconds, he pulls out a gun pointing it at Ino that caused an eruption of screams from the other guests. "I was going to use this on that Uzumaki guy but I guess you will just have to go first."

The Bold Type (Naruto AU)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن