Bold Type Chapter 27

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"OMG, poor Hinata!" Ino yells out to her pinkette friend who is sipping her coffee.

"Keep your voice down Ino, we are in the main lobby, not the fashion closet."

Ino just rolls her eyes. "Whatever, I don't think what Naruto did was bad. That is defiantly the push she needs because she is so happy whenever she is sewing."

"I agree, but you know how Hinata is. She can be so stubborn and always in her own head. I just wish she had more confidence to stand up to her family."

Ino starts to laugh "maybe she just needs to get laid, the right way"

"Be nice!" Sakura scorns at her comment.

The two began to playfully bicker back and forth till they felt a presence behind them.

"Sakura, right?"

They look up and Sakura noticed it was the redhead from yesterday.

"Yeah, Hi, Sasori." With little enthusiasm in the pinkettes voice.

"Sakura, don't be rude! Who is your friend?" Her blonde hair friend states loudly.

The redhead reaches over and shakes Ino's hand. "Hello, Sasori, I work a few floors below Emerald at Pinstripes as a writer."

"I am Ino, I am the social media coordinator, please join us!"

"Thank you," he says with a flirty smile on his face looking at the pinkette who does her best not to hold eye contact. "So did you hear that the band Shinobi is going to be performing tomorrow?"

Sakura perked up a little "I didn't know they were playing."

"yes! I love that band! Sakura and I would try to go to all of their concerts during college. Honestly, we could have been groupies for them if we really tried!" She laughs out loud.

"Really?" the redhead says with a smile on his face "well I actually have an extra ticket, a friend of mine bailed on me." He looks over at Sakura "Wanna join me?".

Ino can tell what is going on. "Sorry, I am very taken at the moment, but Sakura just got out of a complicated relationship and is free."

"Ino!" Sakura hissed at her friend.

"Perfect!" He gets up "We can meet down here around what 6 tomorrow? Also here is my number. I look forward to hearing from you Sakura."

Sakura takes the card not knowing what to say.

"Goodbye Ino, it was nice to meet you." He says with a charming smile and then quickly winking at Sakura before taking his leave.

Sakura just rolled her eyes but could not shake the feeling that this was maybe a sign. Ino quickly grabs the pinkettes phone along with the card and begins to text the guy that just left. Sakura tried to get them both back but it was to late. "There you go Sakura, now you can't bail out on a date with that hottie".

The two soon get up to go back to work but unknown to them there was a certain Uchiha watching the pinkette.


"Hello and welcome to the all mighty Rock Gym how – oh, Hinata it's not Saturday." Said the bushy brow owner standing behind the counter.

"Hello Lee, yeah it has been a crazy day so I asked Neji if we could get an extra session today. Is he here yet?"

"Alas I have not seen him, but do not worry my youthful friend I shall reserve one of the rings for you till he gets here. Take the one next to the weight room." Lee says with pure excitement.

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