Bold Type Chapter 26

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"How is it going so far Sai?"

"All is going according to plan Itachi. I have plans to meet with her childhood friends on Friday once I get back from my mission tomorrow. " Sai says with no emotions.

"Good, remember you have to earn her friend Shikamaru's trust. He is the only way to get those documents."

Sai sighs loudly. "It may take some time, he is a smart guy and I know he would not let just anyone into his office."

Itachi is calm showing no sign of worry "I trust you will do whatever is needed to because we only have a month."

Sai began to stress out a little "You promise she won't be harmed in any way?"

Itachi looks up with a stern face "Only if you do what you are told. Here is the thumb drive, once you get access to his computer put this in. I will be able to hack the government server so that we can get the files."

"If the government doesn't even know about those files how will you be able to get them?"

Itachi makes his way out the room "don't worry about that, just do what you are told." And in seconds he is gone.

Sai slams his fist on the table in pure anger "Damn it!"


"Hinata!" Sakura yells from her desk at the bluenette.

Naruto looks up to see that she is in a black pencil skirt just above the knees that hugged her hips perfectly. She had on a light purple undershirt with a black blazer that is tightened at her upper waist and flared out a little to emphasize her figure. She knew how to turn heads, but Naruto thought that anything she wore complimented her well.

"How was your interview?" Sakura continued causing Naruto to come back to reality.

"I think it went well; I should know by tomorrow if I got the job."

Naruto knew he had to say something "are you excited?"

She looked up with a smile on her face "yeah, the pay is great and has benefits. I think this is the right move for me."

"I am happy things will work out for you!" The pinkette complimented with a smile.


The three look over to see Kurenai, who is head of fashion for the magazine. She had a simple white sheathed dress along with a ruby red jeweled neckless that matcher her eyes. Kurenai waved over at the bluenette. "Could you come to my office for a little?"

Hinata was very confused and look at her friends for any answers. Sakura looked just as confused but Naruto made a nervous face that caught her off guard. 

"Hinata, I don't have all day," Kurenai said with a little urgency.

The bluenette nods her head and quickly makes her way towards the fashion heads office.

"Thank you for taking the time to meet with me." The older brunette takes a seat behind her desk that was filled with different fabrics, sketches, and photos of models that caught the girl's eyes. "Please take a seat" as she points at the chair on the other side of her. "I wanna say I am surprised that you didn't apply for my assistant position when you first got here."

Hinata was still very lost at this point.

Kurenai continued "When Naruto came into my office yesterday making a big deal about how you should be working for me I was a bit caught off guard. But when he showed me those sketches of yours and I was very impressed. He even told me the dress you wore at the gala was designed and made by you, it truly was beautiful.  So, I would like to offer you a job to be my new assistant."

Hinata's eyes widen in shock at all she just heard 'Naruto? She wants me to be her what?' she then focuses on the women in front of her "Kurenai, I don't know what to say. I don't think I am very qualified; I mean I didn't go to fashion school or have any experience. Why me?"

Kurenai laughed a little at the shy bluenette. "Why not, you obviously have some natural talent. I noticed how your eyes lit up when you saw what I am currently working on. We all have to start somewhere right? I am willing to take that chance with you plus you have a great reputation as the best assistant here. I know I cant get you a big raise or anything but I could help teach you if that is what you would like to do."

"I don't know what to say Kurenai"

"I know this might have caught you off guard so please let me know by tomorrow because I have so many other people who would kill for this position."

Hinata just nods her head in agreement "Thank you, I will be sure to think about it"

Kurenai smiles a big smile "Perfect! Now if you don't mind, I have a lot of work to get done because obviously I don't have an assistant right now."

Hinata quickly bows and makes her way out of the office only looking down as she quickly passes her friends.

"Hinata! Wait!"

She knows full and well who that is and is no mood to speak with him. So she keeps on walking.

"Wait" Naruto yells as he grabs her hand, but she whips it away quickly. Naruto looked hurt at that moment. "Hinata.."

She looks up at him with anger in her eyes "Why did you do that?"

"I saw how much you loved fashion and I knew that Kurenai needed help. I thought this would be something you would want to do and needed a little push." With sadness in his voice.

"That was not your place Naruto! You put me in an impossible position! It is like waving a big stake in front of a dog that is stuck in a cage! I can't take this job even if want it! That is what my situation is right now!"

"Hinata I'm sor-"

"Don't!" She quickly cuts him off "I can't talk to you right now, I need some air"

Naruto is full of pain as she watches the bluenette leave him. He then feels a hand on his shoulder knowing that Sakura was there.

"I messed up didn't I?"

Sakura sighs loudly "A little, but your intentions were nothing but honorable. She is going through more than you know. Just give her some space, she will come around."

Naruto looks down "I hope so."


*Ring Ring*

"Toneri, I'm sorry I can't really talk right now," Hinata says.

"Well, I was just calling to let you know that you blew away Mr. Takashi in your interview today. They want to go ahead and offer you the position. Isn't that amazing?" Toneri said with some enthusiasm.

Hinata was just quiet on the phone.

"dear are you there?"

"Yes, sorry I am just busy right now. I will call you back later okay?" Hinata says trying to act as normal as possible.

"Okay well, let's do lunch tomorrow so we can go over more of the wedding details. I want to make sure we have as much organized before meeting with our fathers." Toneri says

"sounds great, I got to go I'm sorry. Bye." Hinata quickly ends the call and soon dials another number."Hey, I hope I am not disturbing you." She says calmly. "I know we only meet on Saturdays, but I need to let some steam out. Could we meet up tonight?"

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