Part 1 - the story begins

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It all started the day before my senior year started...

My best friend calls and says ," Hey Anna wanna go out tonight? I got our IDs done and they look totally legit"

" Yeah fine Val but I need to be home early."

" Come on Anna don't be such a grandma! We'll be back by midnight"

"Alright then I'll pick you up at 8"

"Sweet! See ya then"


In the evening I start getting ready to go out so I put on a simple black dress, slap on some makeup, get my hair done and leave to go pick up Val.

She walks up to the car looking glamorous as always with her hair and makeup all done perfectly.

"Let's party biotch!" She says excitedly and I just laugh and then drive off to this club called Someplace Else.

We walked up to the front door and showed our IDs. The bouncer seemed doubtful at first but he let us in.

We walked up to the bar and ordered our drinks, then Val suddenly says ,"Hey Anna that guy at the end of the bar is totally checking you out"

I took a look at who she was talking about and my god he was HOT!

He had this fringey blonde hair with the most intense look ever

I was too shy to go up and ask him to dance but after a few drinks he came up and asked me. Drunk me said yes and we danced till my feet hurt.

After a while Val came up and said, "Hey Anna we gotta leave it's getting late"

"C'mon Val just 5 more minutes" I say

"No we're leaving. NOW"


*Next morning*

I wake up completely hungover and check the time on my phone and think " Shit I'm so late for school"

I don't remember half of last night but while brushing my teeth I remember making out with the guy from the bar. I dont think I even got his number.

After taking a short shower I put on a blink 182 sweatshirt, a pair of ripped jeans , a random black SnapBack and Vans.

I hurried down the stairs to grab a granola bar which I can eat in the car and drove as fast as I could to school.

I reached 5 mins before the bell for 1st period started. I checked my schedule and it said I had art so I rushed down the hall almost tripping over myself and made it to the art room.

Thank god the teacher hadn't come yet!

The schedule said the teacher for this class was Mr.Clifford. "Never heard of him " I thought.." Must be new"

Finally he arrived ten minutes late and I almost screamed...IT WAS THE GUY FROM THE BAR!!

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