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"What the fuck Sun Rui?! How could you do this to us?!" Eliwa shoved her.

"Wow wow wow calm down, it's not her fault, she did what she had to do" Luoluo said.

"She didn't have to do what she did"

"She tried to kill me! You expect me to not have her put in jail?!"

"I wish she did kill you!" Eliwa slapped her.

"Stop!" Luoluo split the two apart.

"Stop acting so childish you two! I'm sick of you fighting! Why can't you just get along?!"

"She tried to get me kicked off the volleyball team!" Sun Rui pointed out.

"That's in the past get over it!"

"Whose side are you on?" Sun Rui crossed her arms and starred at Luoluo.

"Honestly I'm on Eliwa's side because you're being a total bitch and she didn't do anything to you"

"I thought you were my friend Luoluo" Sun Rui glared at her and began to walk away.

"Just because I'm your friend doesn't mean I'm gonna take your side. If you're wrong then I'll tell you you're wrong because that's what good friends do" Luoluo said as she walked away.

"Fuck off" she put up her middle finger as she walked away, out of the gym.

"What a fucking bitch" Eliwa sat down on the bleachers.

"She's changed so much lately and I hate it"

"What do you like her or something?"

"No, I like someone else"

"YuZhen right? If you know she likes you then why don't you ask her out"

"I just found out a couple days ago and haven't even thought of asking her"

"Well nows your chance" Eliwa gestured for her to leave to ask out YuZhen.

"Well nows your chance" Eliwa gestured for her to leave to ask out YuZhen

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The dangerous game of volleyball [SNH48]Where stories live. Discover now