Teacher's Pet

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Y'all enjoy! I love you baby @kchsj96

topsoo7 @ ur service

"You can't stay silent for three more hours, Jennie. Come on." Jisoo sighed from the driver's seat, stealing a quick glance towards the blonde who was adamantly remaining quiet with crossed arms.

It had already been an hour into their trip and she hadn't uttered a single word. She knew what she was doing was clearly childish, but the annoyed looks from the brunette and the grunts of irritation that she had made were just too damned entertaining to pass up- especially for this long trip. And she wasn't about to break now. She would stay quiet for the remainder of three hours. There was absolutely nothing that would make her dare to speak.

"Jennie..." Her voice was a defeated sigh, which earned promise and a victorious smile- that was until Jisoo used her last resort. "I love you."

Now that was harsh and completely unfair. Jennie didn't want to leave the older woman hanging with those three words thickening the air. She just couldn't bring herself to keep quiet, because every second that she went without repeating the words back burdened her with a heavy guilt.

"I love you, too..." she whispered. Perhaps if she had done it quiet enough, Jisoo wouldn't hear her and wouldn't think that she had responded and broken her little quiet game. But, they were in a car after all and the radio had been turned off- no doubt that Jisoo was waiting for some sort of peep from the blonde.

"A-ha! She speaks!" The Benz jerked as the brunette woman had spoken, which ultimately caused Jennie to have a mini heart attack when all she saw was the off-road ahead of her. Luckily Jisoo had straightened them out before they flew off the road, but holy shit, that had scared the piss right out of her.

"Well, I won't any longer if you drive us off the fucking road!" Jennie couldn't help but to reprimand, her heart still trying to come down from her throat. "Fuck."

"I'm sorry..." Jisoo whispered, her eyes glued to the road. The smile that she had worn upon Jennie's reply beforehand had now disappeared into a downturn of the lips.

When the blonde had gazed over to see how the brunette was doing after taking the recovery from their near off-road adventure, she felt her heart fall from its spot. Jisoo wore the most heartbreaking look and appeared to be thoroughly chastised by Jennie's reaction. Shit. Did she really just make Jisoo feel that bad by making that comment? She wished she could take it back and shut her goddamn mouth. Really, she needed to get this conflict fixed.

"Hey, Chu..." Jennie reached over, her hand was gentle on the older woman's thigh. "Don't listen to me. I'm just a fucking idiot, you know this by now, yeah? Sometimes I don't have a filter."

"I am fine, Jennie."

Jennie narrowed her eyes at the brunette, but she hadn't taken a single glance towards the blonde. Nibbling on her lip, she gazed at the traffic around them, noticing there to be a few cars, but not enough to damper her new plan.

"Pull over," she quickly muttered.

"Excuse me?"

"Pull over," the blonde repeated herself. Her eyes were back on the confused face of Jisoo's as the older woman reluctantly did what she had instructed.

"I don't know what inane reasoning you have-" But her words were cut off as Jennie lunged forward and pressed her lips to her own, taking Jisoo by complete surprise- which had taken the woman a few heartbeats to register what was happening and a few more before she had responded.

Teacher's Pet (Jensoo)Where stories live. Discover now