Last Day

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It was better in the morning. Everything didn't seem like it would be long nor stressful. Though the pain still had a planted seed within her heart, ever growing and ever tightening. But waking up to a new dawn meant a new day. A new day that would urge time forward and leave tomorrow in the past.

Though waking up to this new day felt as if nothing had ever changed. Jisoo opened her eyes believing that she wasn't on her hands and knees in the kitchen last night, cleansing every crack from the tiles of the coagulated blood that stuck to them. For all that she knew that ruthless woman was still alive and planning on hunting her down in Boston to rip apart the new life she was planning to create.

"Jisoo?" Jennie's quiet whisper sounded from beside the older woman. "You up?"

"Yes," she replied quietly, rolling over to face the blonde woman next to her, and it wasn't until then that she had realized how exhausted she felt. And she pondered for a moment to figure out the reason why. Then it hit her. Whatever she had believed to be a previous dream was all but reality.

"Are you going to be alright?" The blonde queried, immediately noticing the sudden change in expression on the older woman's face.

Jisoo merely nodded in response, a sigh falling from her lips. Of course she was going to be fine. What use was there mourning over something that would never return? That woman was nothing but cruel to her during her life. Shouldn't that have been all the more reason to nonchalantly pass her death off as nothing?

No, because the pain was still there.

But life moved on beyond death. No matter what she felt, she needed to press on. She couldn't postpone their move any more than she already had. The two of them were supposed to have been in Boston by this time last month, but problems with the apartment had gone awry and would have basically left them homeless until the start of this month.

She knew that Jennie was kneading the floor with anxious feet to uproot from this town and plant herself somewhere far larger. Jisoo was feeling just about the same. She felt like a plant herself, growing as big as she could in this small town and wouldn't expand any more unless she transferred to a larger pot. The two of them needed that change to blossom to their fullest potential and show off their real beauty.

"Okay..." Jennie nodded finally, her arms wrapping tightly around the brunette woman to pull her closer.

A faint smile ghosted across Jisoo's features, mocha eyes gazing up to the younger woman that held her. "I said what I meant last night, Jennie." She murmured softly and snuggled into the warmth. "I want to get out of this house. It's... I don't think I can stay here any longer after what happened."

"But you will be alright to move? I mean... Daejung, Lisa, Chaeyoung, and I can just do the moving stuff. And Mino if he's coming to help. You don't have to do anything. You can be the director." She offered a sweet smile to the older woman, though it was gently rejected with a slight shake of her head.

"I will be alright, honey." The brunette offered a grin of her own. "Right now, I can't feel much of anything. I spent my tears last night for that woman and I have no more to cash in."

"I'm only concerned for your health, Chu..." Jennie wrapped a leg around the older woman and kissed the top of her head. "She was your mother, after all."

"I would rather not dwell on it."

"Of course." The blonde nodded slightly, a sigh falling from her lips. "To get off the subject, then, when would you like to start our glorious day?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 05, 2020 ⏰

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