Thanks for Choosing my Book!

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If y'all came from No Better Than The Beasts, you already know how I am but read on if you please. (AND HIIII LOVE YOU GUYS! MISSED YOUUUU)


In my first book, I wrote this big Author's Note at the beginning of the book saying how "I am just going to write this BIG Author's note" so I don't have to write anymore because I end up "basically spilling my life into them and they end up paragraphs long."

Well, guess what? I ended up doing Author's notes anyways because that's just who I am I guess. I LOVE TO TALK TO YOU GUYS!!!

Which brings me to the 10 things I need to say just to answer ANY ANSWERS OR STUFF that you need to know before reading!

Numba 1: I LOVE COMMENTS!!! THEY MAKE ME SO HAPPY! I don't really care about votes, but I love when I get them too! Comments, however, MAKE ME SO HAPPY! I SQUEAL EVERY TIME I SEE ONE, especially when they are just that perfect reaction that I was looking for. IT'S GREAT!

Number 2: This book will be during modern times, in 1st person POV, so after writing in the third person for so on the lookout for those kinds of mistakes

Number 3: This is marked mature BUT THIS TIME IT'S NOT BECAUSE OF A SIDE CHARACTER MAKING SEXUAL INNUENDOS AND COMMENTS (We love Pickle) It's because of graphic scenes of violence, and there might even be suicidal things, but I'm not too sure at this point. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!  And yeah, they might get far in this book, BUT I'M STILL A WUSS. So their relationship might not reach sex. And there is usually no swear words.

Numero Cuatro: There will be references to random stuff, such as  Harry Potter, Percy Jackson, songs, and multiple musicals! But they are usually undetected unless you REALLY KNOW what they reference.

Number 5: This book, unlike my first, will have a distinctive prologue,'ll see...

Number 6: I AM NOT CLICHE! At least I try not to be, but sometimes I just fall into that hole. And sometimes the non-cliche bits make the book more depressing and less romantic.

Like, for example, one lover dies. The cliche would be to bring the lover back to life...but making it not cliche will allow the lover to stay dead...and THATS JUST SAD. Stuff like that is hard to choose between. 

Number 7: People from No Better than the Beats know that I'M EVIL (or they should, by now) I LOVE CLIFFHANGERS AND PLOT TWISTS AND LEADING YOU INTO ONE PATH BEFORE COMPLETELY CHANGING WHAT YOU FIRST BELIEVED, and all that fun stuff! So be prepared! I don't have a FULL SOLID plan for this book yet, but so far, you're safe >:)

Number 8: For this one, I had put that I had a bunch of fanfictions I was working on, therefore updates would be slow...BUT I ABANDONED THOSE....SO...No need to worry about them anymore...I still feel bad about leaving them.

Number 9: If you see any errors, please tell me. I know I make mistakes, even after re-readin the chapter over and over and over again. So please notify me if you see any slip-ups. Thanks :P

# 10!: I LOVE EVERYBODY. I wanted to make it clear that I am not my characters, nor do I express the views of my characters. If one of my characters makes a fat joke, I AM NOT MAKING FUN OF PEOPLE WITH THAT BODY TYPE (<--that was just an example!!). If one of my characters are homophobic, I AM NOT A HOMOPHOBE OR THIS BOOK WOULD NOT EXIST. If my characters hate cliches, even if I hate cliches, to be honest, I still read them. Why? Because some are good stories. And the authors are good writers. I'm not hating on cliche stories. My life's goal is to love everybody. You be you. I'll be me. And we can be friends. Sorry if I went all crazy on you, I just needed to get that straight because of a mishap in the past.

If you have any other questions just comment! I LOVVEEEEE COMMENTS!!



(I just had to put this DEH reference in again, I couldn't help myself)

Ghost GuardianOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara