Chapter 23

186 23 9

(I love Darren Chris ^ and this song and his voice singing this song)

Aaron's POV

"Oh my god, that's wonderful!" Nat yelled in triumph. Throwing the flowers down and rushing up to her son, giving him the biggest hug I've ever seen. 

Picking up the flowers, Emery's father gave Emery a following hug, saying "I'm so proud of you son."

It made me smile.

Wednesday raised her brow and looked over at me. "Are you possessed?" she asked, as if there were no other states that I could be in to consider dating her brother.

What is with this family thinking I'm possessed?? 

"No, he isn't," his mother sighed, looking at me like I just relieved her of a thousand burdens.

"You guys are so weird," Emery mumbled.

"Oh!" Nat suddenly jumped, digging into her small purse quickly, "I knew I had some on me..." she mumbled.

"Some what?" Emery asked, but was quickly ignored. His mother glanced up at Wednesday.

"Honey, do you have any rose quartz?" she asked her. Wednesday scrunched up her nose in disgust.

"Ew, but yes, unfortunately," she muttered, digging in her pocket for something. She pulled out a pale pink stone and handed it over to her mother.

"I'll get you a new one later," Nat promised, and walked up to me. She placed the stone in my palm and closed my fingers over it. "This is rose quartz," she said, "It helps you open your heart to inner healing and peace. Plus it is the stone of universal love. Keep it as a gift for being so loving to my son. He told us what you did, and I could never live in a world without my children. So, thank you, Aaron."

"Y-Your welcome," I replied, not really believing in the powers of this stone, but still thankful nonetheless. This was an amazing gift in theory, so I accepted it gratefully.

"Come on, guys," Pugsley said to everyone, except Emery and I, "Let's stop embarrassing poor brother and let them have some alone time."

Pugsley corralled all of his family out of the room, but before he left, he came by my bedside and asked me a question.

"Hey, you don't happen to know that cute nerd's number, do you?" he asked, "The one in the cafeteria while I visited."

James? I thought. I had completely forgotten about James. I wondered how was he holding up without me being there for his "emergencies".

"Ah, no I don't," I replied, "But as soon as I get back into the college life, I'll let you know." 

Pugsley winked, "Great," he said, before walking out of the room, shutting the door behind him.

"I can't wait until I get out of this bed," I told Emery. It was just he and I now again.

"Me too," Emery said, before I scooped him up in my arms again.


"WELCOME BACK!" said the big white banner hanging in my living room. 

I set down my bag full of toiletries and took a deep breath. 


I've never really thought of my apartment like that. Not until now. Now that Emery is standing in front of me with his family, all welcoming me from coming back from the hospital.

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