Chapter 1

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(I've had this song stuck in my head? Just now?)

New York City.

It's an interesting place! Home of the Empire State Building and the Statue of Liberty. Not to mention, Joe's Coffee Shop: where no one buys coffee because the cheesecake is just that good. Where one slice of pizza is bigger than your face and the McDonald's down the street is bigger than your apartment. 

People of all kinds walk to-and-fro with important business-like facades or shopping bags or cameras. Vendors on the streets attack you like vultures, wanting you to tour the next block.

And if you cross the street, you risk your life to those who can't stop for a red light.

It's the city that never sleeps! The Big Apple! The place where people go to make their dreams come true! 

Just wow.

Let's get to the point, shall we?

My name is Aaron Will and, just like the rest of the world, I am depressed. 

I am just like any normal person. I wake up on time every morning, go back to sleep for 5 more minutes, and then end up running 15 minutes late to class. I watch Netflix, love pizza, and enjoy my free time napping.  Plus, I am a medical student at-  Hold up. 

Does any of that really matter? 

Actually, no. No, it doesn't. You probably want to hear what makes me different from the rest. 

Well, my theory is that no one is completely normal. Who even knows what "normal" is?

See, I'm a normal guy...with a stupidly insane life.

I mean, I've looked through all of the gossip magazines and not once have I seen any articles about celebrities getting haunted by their ex.

Oh wait, let me rephrase. 

I mean haunted literally, as in ghosts, moving objects, and swirly pencils that want to play with you.

You know, all of that stuff that's not supposed to exist.

I wake up on time every morning because a certain "unknown force" smacks me in the head. I go back to sleep because that "unknown force" gives up on me. And the only reason I make it to class within fifteen minutes is because that "unknown force" changes all of the lights to green.

And that "unknown force" is my ex-boyfriend.

And this is usually the part where I explain my awful backstory or about how I came out or about how I haven't came out yet.

See, my boyfriend died from a gunshot when we were young (Hence, why I'm depressed). But he decided ( since I'm "a wimp that can't fight worth my life") that he would haunt me or something to protect me. Don't ask me for details because I don't know how it works when you die.

All I know is that he has become sort of my guardian angel. My savior in times of need. Like, when I get comfortable on the couch and the remote is just too far away. That kind of crisis.

But there is one teensy exception. I can't see nor hear him. He's a silent, invisible ghost that makes his sworn duty to protect me from all things devastating. He can move things, and I can feel him touch me, but other than that, he's useless.

He'll make me breakfast though, so I'm not complaining...but there's one thing.

Having him near me at all times has made it hard to move on.

I haven't dated anyone else since he died. Tragic, right? I've tried to get together with other people, but I quickly realized that everyone I chose looked like him or acted like him. And once my heart realized that those people were not him, it dropped them in the dust to rot. I ended up breaking up and getting together with a lot of people...which sort of...gave me a bad reputation. So now, people avoid me.

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