Chapter 17

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(If I spell "Pugsley" like "Pugsly" just know they are the same person. I had this same problem with the names "David" and "Derrick" last book I wrote.) 

Third-Person POV

It took three more days, after Pugsley had arrived, for Silas to come back to Emery's home. He was greeted by Emery's mother as she opened the door, kind as always and completely oblivious to what he did to her son. Most times, greeting her made Silas uncomfortable. Had he felt any emotion other than anger most of the time, he would have recognized it as guilt.

Yes, deep inside of Silas there was a heart somewhere. And no, it was not cold or hard. Deep inside Silas was a warm heart that only wanted attention and love from a certain boy. However, that heart was clouded with anger, hate, and resentment. Grudges upon guilt.

Silas was planning his next move. He only had a week until he was summoned back to his home, and he wanted to make it count. The anger inside him: he had to get rid of it. He spent days thinking about it, weighing the pros and cons. Deciding on his next course of action. For years he hurt Emery, but not to this extent. Yes, he beat the kid, but he never had the heart to kill him.

Not until now.

He was tired of feeling angry. He was tired of his parents looking at him like he was a burden. He was tired of them blaming it on Intermittent Explosive Disorder when they should have been blaming it on Emery Adams. Emery Adams: that name sparked his heart like a flame. He wanted to blow up on someone. He wanted to beat in that precious face that he had grown to loathe.

He wanted to kill.

He was even angrier to find that Emery was missing from his home again. If only that pipsqueak would stay in one spot, it would be easier to execute his plan. Silas knew Emery was avoiding him, but he didn't know where Emery went. That made him even angrier.

However, Silas wasn't an idiot; in fact, he was extremely smart. And when it came to him and his prey, nothing could stand in between them.

He listened in on the conversations at the dinner table, hoping to find some clues as to where Emery was. He caught a snippet of conversation that Emery's brother, Pugsley, was having with his mother.

"He's probably out with his boyfriend," Pugsley chuckled.

His what?

"His what?!"  his mother gasped, staring at Pugsley with wide eyes. Everyone at the dinner table was looking at Pugsley now.

"Well, when I saw him, he was hanging out with this big, buff, blonde fellow," Pugsley shrugged innocently.

Big, buff, blonde fellow?

"Oh! That must be Emery's friend, Aaron," his mother smiled, "I'm so glad he's making friends. Oh, and I hope that boy turns into more than just friends! Emery needs some love in his life."

Aaron? Who is this Aaron guy? Why is he getting in my way?

"What's his last name?" Silas grumbled, getting angrier. Any second now, he was going to lash out on someone.

The family all looked at him, surprised. He never showed interest in their conversations.

"If I remember correctly...Aaron Will?" Emery's mother looked toward Pugsley for confirmation.

"Yeah, that sounds right," Pugsley nodded.

Silas was steaming with anger now, practically boiling in rage.

Now he had a name, it would be easy to find Emery. He had done this plenty times before. Hunted down and killed his prey.

And if Aaron Will was Emery's so-called boyfriend, Silas wouldn't mind finishing him off too.

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