Chapter 3- Fro Yo

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(I think I like this version better than the original XD. I immediately thought of this song while writing the last chapter.)

After I came home, I washed my eye out and sat in my comfy living room. My apartment was pretty lonely but super clean since no one else was there to mess it up and all I did in it was watch tv, sleep, eat, and repeat. It was a boring grey with white surfaces, basically a reflection of my life. Severus once tried to convince me to change it because "a depressing home makes you more depressed," but I didn't listen.

So, here I was, sitting on the couch and watching Netflix in order to free my busy brain from medical books, which were laying on my coffee table. Speaking of which, a warm cup of coffee was in my lap, waking me up a bit so that I could make it through the rest of the day. It was then, as I was contemplating whether to watch Stranger Things or re-watch the entire series of Harry Potter, that a knock came at my door.

Which was weird because I never got knocks on my door. And if I did, it usually ended up being another confused, lost soul trying to find their loved one in the maze of mi edificio de apartamentos.

So, cautiously, I got out of my warm blanket and walked towards my front door. I opened it, but as soon as I opened it, I was attacked.

"BROTHER!" I heard, before being jumped by a head of brown hair, "Mi hermano, how are you?!"

Oh, so it was my sister. What the hell was she doing here? Last I heard, she was off graduating from some top-notch school somewhere in California...Yale, maybe? No, that was in Connecticut. It was probably Stanford. 

And just to make this clear- she may be older than me, but don't be fooled! She still acts like a child.

"Sis? What the hell are you doing here?" I asked, voicing my thoughts. I haven't seen my family in such a long time, not since I moved to New York to attend college. 

"It was a surprise," she explained, pushing me out of the way, strutting into the living room, and plopping herself down on the couch, putting her feet up on my coffee table, "You wouldn't come to me, so I came to you. OOH! Let's watch Harry Potter!"

She reached for the remote, but I snatched it from her. She pouted and crossed her arms.

"Olivia, as much as I would love to watch Harry Potter, I haven't seen you in years," I smiled, throwing the remote on the only other chair I owned. My sister groaned.

"Well, who's fault is that?!" She grumbled, huffing, "You're the one who wouldn't answer my calls! Besides, I had nothing to do and New York seemed interesting so I told Mike, I said 'We should go tour New York and visit my bro too!' And here we are! Tomorrow we are going touring, but I thought I'd let you know we were in the city."

"Thanks for that," I said sighing, "So...?"

"SO!" she said, flipping her brown hair over her shoulders, "What's up, mi hermano? Got any juicy life stories to tell me? Got any lovers?"

My sister was well aware of what happened long ago with Severin, but ever since she's been the only one wondering about whether or not my love life exists anymore. My mother, poor mom, she hasn't really talked to me much since I fell into depression, as if my sadness was weighing down on her shoulders as well. It made me feel guilty that she had to put up with me, which is one of the reasons why I left. My dad, however, is a completely different story.

"No, not really," I admitted, "It's still weighing down on me, you know?"

"Oh, come on. You have to have one person you're interested in," she urged, "Give me one person."

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