Chapter 18

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(There may be a few censored swear words in here- censored because I'd never say them in real life. Also, I feel like this song is perfect for this chapter)

Third POV

Rage was something few found inevitable. Anger blindfolds those few with a red cloth; it thunders around the world, taking hostage of those who are already hurt deep inside. It is represented as hot, hot as hell. Hot as a raging wildfire. Boiling hot. So hot, those affected by it steam. But at some point, rage gets so hot, it turns cold. It hardens like lava thrown into the Arctic Ocean, freezes like a lost soul trapped in a snowstorm, and sends its host such a chill, that they are gritting their teeth.

Silas McCallister's cold heart had frozen his anger into a deadly avalanche, about to fall with the slightest notion of life.

Years, had it been? Since anger took control of a hurt, little boy. That little boy was no longer little, yet still hurt. Who knew such a small trifle in his life could turn him into a monster?

And yet, they say: Evil is never born, it's made.

Was Silas McCallister evil? Or was he truly just a broken heart seeking revenge?

If Silas ever told them what broke his heart at such a young age, and what Emery Adams had to do with it, they would laugh. You're just crazy, they would say. It's his IED, his parents would reply. You're just evil, all of his victims would accuse, That's no excuse.

But it was a perfect excuse in the eye and mind of Silas McCallister.

He had spent eight hours collecting data he would need to find Emery, sneak into the apartment effectively, and kill him. It would have taken him far longer, if he wasn't experienced from all of the people he's hurt before.

He gave almost one-thousand dollars of his allowance to the apartment building's manager for the key to Aaron Will's apartment, using the excuse that he was a friend staying over and Aaron had forgotten to give him his key. In reality, Silas had no friends.

Silas gripped the key in his hand, the teeth of the key making marks in his palm. His palms, which you would imagine to be sweaty, were completely dry. He had not an ounce of hesitation or nervousness. Not with anger driving his actions.

Silently, he twisted the key into the lock. It was night, a quiet time in the building, so not one living soul was walking down the hallway to see him slip into Aaron's apartment.

No witnesses.

He silently shut the door with precise carefulness, making sure it didn't make a noise and wake his prey. He wasn't sure if Emery or Aaron were deep sleepers. He prayed they were not insomniacs. 

Walking as quietly as possible, he slid a gun out of his waistband: a gun in which he always had by his side when he traveled. His parents wouldn't let him handle a gun for anything other than safety.

Little did they know what the real use behind it was.

Silas noticed that he had entered the living room, which was combined with the kitchen. That left three doors, that Silas could see, all shut, concealing what laid behind them. One had to be a bathroom, Silas concluded. And since Emery was staying over, one had to be a guest room, while the other was Aaron's room. 

Silas traveled down a small hallway. On one side of the hallway, there was a door. Silas silently opened it, painfully listening to it creak, before he looked inside. The bathroom.

That meant the other rooms held his prey.

His grip tightened on the gun as he traveled to the door across from the bathroom.

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