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We were kissing.

We were too lazy to get up off the couch and walk ten feet away to the doorway with the mistletoe hanging from it, and, instead, opted to stay snuggled up together, wrapped in the warmth of a blanket and bathed in the light of the living room fire. Kissing just made the moment so much better.

I have mastered kissing since being with him. He always managed to snag my lips at any given moment, whether it be in the janitor's closet at Middletown High or in my bedroom just one staircase away. Every kiss was better than the last, it seemed, on his part and mine.

He wrapped his skinny arms around my neck, dragging me in further, and tilted his head to deepen it. Don't get me wrong- I was the more dominant of the two of us! He was just demanding. I didn't mind though. Who would ever mind having a kissing session with the love of their life?

I set my hands on his skinny waist, holding him where I wanted him. He was already basically in my lap. My fingers felt the fabric of the cute, slightly-too-big,  black sweater that I had given to him hours before. It had adorable little Jack Skellington faces on it, but he hated it. I knew he would, but he agreed to wear it just for today.

After all, it was Christmas.

Our kissing deepened slightly; he straddled my lap like so many times before. I was afraid we were going to get caught one of these days, but he said I was being stupid: "it was close to midnight," and, "everyone should be sleeping." He was right; everyone should be sleeping, but we weren't. I pulled his hips closer to mine, hoping for some action if anything. 

But then, he pulled away.

He looked at me, smirking, with that mischievous twinkle in his eye. See, he has always looked a little evil because of his creepy red eyes. Yes, I said red eyes. It sounds weird and super sketchy at first, but there is a perfect explanation as to why my boyfriend has red eyes. His parents both had the recessive gene of albinism in their DNA, but since they were heterozygous, they didn't lack the pigment melanin. However, my boyfriend was homozygous for the recessive gene, and he received albinism.

In other words, his parents were not albino, but he is. And that gives him the ability to have red eyes.

However, he kind of hated the fact that his hair was pure white, along with his skin, so he dyed his locks a beautiful shade of black. And now, he was like a dark angel, or maybe, perhaps, a demon might better suit him.

His name was Severin Bianchi. But his nickname was Severus...because Harry Potter, of course. He adopted the nickname after his family moved over to America from Italy, where I made him into a dork. I was his first American friend, the first person he came out to, and now, his first boyfriend. But, back then, as his friend, I had to make him realize that wonderous wizarding world of Harry Potter existed. I made him love it...maybe not as much as I did, but he still loved it. Who couldn't love Harry Potter?

Nevermind, don't answer that. Two people immediately popped into my head. 

And those people happen to be Severin's parents. I didn't know their names, and I didn't really care. Mainly because they believed that Harry Potter contained "black magic" and that no Christain soul can read such "garbage." I bet you can probably guess why I, of all people, was the first person Severus came out to. Anybody who bashes Harry Potter like that, shouldn't be trusted.

"What are you thinking about?" he asked, his voice deep and smooth as he spoke. I looked into those red eyes. Yeah, they definitely looked evil, and they did not lie. Severus could really hurt someone if he wanted to. I have seen it myself. It was really odd to see him fight most times because Severin is tiny and like a skinny twig...but underneath his baggy, black graphic tees were strong muscles. In his mind, a strategic and quick-thinking brain. The kid was small enough to move fast, light enough to jump high, smart enough to know when to strike, and strong enough to land a hard punch. He had never killed anyone, but if he did, I could call him a killing machine. Because he was definitely capable.

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