Chapter 11

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(Sorry I haven't updated in a while. I took a two-week vacation and didn't bring my computer, but I'm back now!!)

Emery's POV

I was walking down the street from Joe's coffee shop with my drink in hand. Rainbows decorated every storefront and advertisement. It was the last couple days of pride month and there were gay people everywhere, which was comforting, but also strange. I'm not exactly out of the closet completely. I've told my grandmother and the rest of my family about my preferences, but nobody else knows...except Aaron, I guess. 

Speaking of Aaron, he was all I thought about on my walk back to his apartment. He started acting strangely after his shower last night, but I deduced that it was from his nightmare. Any nightmare that had me screaming into the night would make me act weird too. Aaron acted slightly uncomfortable, probably embarrassed that I had witnessed him in his vulnerable state. Plus, he was avoiding my touch, not like he was a touchy person in the first place, but whatever nightmare he had left him off-kilter.

Not that I minded that; he was still a good company. I could barely remember what we talked about, due to the fact that I was exhausted, but I do remember talking almost endlessly. It was weird. No crush I have ever had before would talk to me, let alone so openly. I remember this one guy I had a crush on in high school who I didn't have the courage to go speak to because he was a little intimidating. He was the son of two rich gay guys, so I thought he would be gay too, but I was mistaken. He always wore piercings and had dyed his bangs green. I always wondered if green was his favorite color.

Then during senior year, he hooked up with this little twink, who was the first boy I have ever seen him with. It occurred to me that I missed my chance.

This is the first time I've ever made friends with my crush before I blew my chance. But...he loves someone else.

They always love someone else.

I threw my cup in the trash as I walked by a bin to throw it in. My life was depressing and I couldn't wait until it changed into something better. If it ever changed. 

I was getting really close to the apartment building when someone stopped me.

"You!" He was obviously drunk, whether he was still drunk from last night or just got wasted this morning, I had no idea. He was a young adult with brown hair and sweet hazel eyes. The man had dark bags under his eyes and looked about my age, but he was obviously drunk so he had to be at least twenty-one. Or he could've been drinking underage. Who knew?

He looked like he had been through one too many hard times.

"You're gay!" he slurred, placing a hand on my shoulder. It startled me that he came to such a conclusion on his own. I looked around at the people passing by and saw that they were only staring because of the rainbow get-up he had on and nothing else.

"How did you know?" I asked cautiously, wanting so badly to get away, but he had a tight grip on my shoulder. I noticed that, under his shredded rainbow muscle shirt, he had a BDSM harness on. Maybe he's like, some kind of Dom or something.

"Ah! So you know?" he asked instead, "Then why aren't you wearing rainbow?" It seemed as if he didn't speak English that well because he pointed to his rainbow muscle shirt. "And why aren't you crazy?"

"Not all gay people are crazy..."I trailed wondering if this guy was going to be okay if I just left him there.

"There is a show tonight," the guy smiled with too wide of eyes to be sober, "Here!" -he gestured to the square with wide arms, then pointed to me, "You come. With rainbow." He pointed at my purple hoodie as if he could bippity-boppity-boo rainbow onto my body with his finger.

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