Chapter 5

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(I had this song down in my very short list of notes as Aaron's "theme song" don't ask me why)

"Say, Yo tengo deiciocho ,"  I said, and Emery repeated the Spanish sentence.

"What did I say?" he wondered, looking up at me with those wide eyes. One thing I've learned from our little "sleepover," was that he was cuter than I originally thought. We were acting like teenagers, staying up so late into the night talking about the Harry Potter movies we just watched and waking up to the sun shining. When I walked in the living room the next morning, still in my pajamas, and told him, "Buenas días," he asked me how much Spanish I actually knew. I then told him that my mother was Latin American and somehow it turned into a Spanish-speaking lesson.

"You just said that you are eighteen," I smiled as his eyes lit up, "Now say, Soy muy adorable."

"What does that mean?" he asked, his head tilting to the side like a puppy, and I laughed. 

"I'm not telling you," I said crossing my arms. He huffed, digging his phone out of his pocket clumsily. Something I've learned about Emery: he's stubborn. If he wants answers, he gets them. Something he's learned about me: I won't give answers to him unless he fights for them.

Emery fiddled on his phone for a second, then held it up to my face. He had Google translate up on the screen.

"Say it again," he commanded, pushing it closer to my face. He was basically leaning over my body now. I narrowed my eyes, wondering how far he would go for an answer.

"No," I said stubbornly, and his nose scrunched up in irritation, he leaned over more, but he wasn't strong enough to hold his torso out long enough. He used his arm to support himself...except his arm ended up bracing using my upper thigh.

He, however, didn't seem to care.

"I want to know what it means," he huffed. I looked at the phone, which was waiting to hear Spanish. 

"Okay," I said, smiling, "Tu eres idiota."

~You are an idiot~  repeated Google translate, but in English.

"No, that's not right," Emery said, not moving an inch, "It sounded different before!"

I looked at him with a face. I don't know what face exactly, but he looked frustrated. We had a stare down, in which I was praying that Emery's hand, using my thigh as support, wouldn't slide down any further north.

I had to do something before that happened.

I sighed, "Tu eres adorable. Yo acabo decir que eres adorable."

~You are adorable. I just said that you are adorable~  Google translate mimicked.

Emery looked at me with wide eyes and red cheeks.

"I-Is that a good thing? be adorable?" he asked, blushing. I couldn't stop smiling at this kid. He seems too innocent and precious to be eighteen.

"," I said, hoping he didn't need Google to translate that word for him, "But like, can you take your hand off of my thigh? I don't want it to end up squashing something else-"

This made Emery's blush immediately deepen and his hand ripped from my thigh as if it had been burned. He looked away as we sat in silence for a moment. We have been pretty good at keeping up the conversation until now, which is amazing considering we're both pretty antisocial. 

"S-So," he said, obviously trying his hardest to break the silence, "When is your sister getting here?"

"In a couple of hours. She said she would offer us lunch, " I explained, knowing the conversation would die after that, so I kept going, "How does pizza sound? Knowing my sister, that's bound to be on the menu."

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