Chapter 8

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Emery's POV

"Honey? " a muffled voice said through my door. It was my mother; I could tell it was her because of her withered, worried voice, "Sweetheart, please come out. You need to eat. I have dinner cooking downstairs for everybody. Its tomato will be ready in a minute..."

I heard a sigh.

"Just, come out, please?" she said, "We're worried about you."

It was only moments after what she said that I heard her footsteps softly walk away. I felt guilt flow into my stomach along with the hunger. I have locked myself in my room for three days in order to avoid Silas, and so far, it seemed to be working. He hasn't bothered me. I haven't been disturbed. Once, I even wondered if he'd left because he hadn't come after me yet. But I knew his ways. This was a trick. The moment I step outside my door, he would be at my throat.

But locking myself up in my room had made my family very concerned, and I couldn't tell them why I wasn't coming out. They didn't understand, but I couldn't risk their wellbeing by telling them. 

This way, both my sister and I were safe.

I considered calling Aaron, considered asking him if I could stay a little longer. I considered fighting back, maybe calling the cops for a hate crime. And because my stomach rumbled with hunger, I considered forgetting it all and going downstairs for some tomato soup.

I didn't want to bother Aaron, and I doubt the cops would help much. Silas would be put in prison for a couple of years like before, and then be released, only to come straight after me in revenge. My situation was useless, and even though my resolve had been strong these past few days, I couldn't handle this anymore.

You're locking yourself in your room and starving yourself, I thought, You've been peeing in your old bathroom, that doesn't work. He's caging you in and making you too scared to even go down and eat dinner with your family. You're being a wimp. A coward. Do something risky for once.

So I got up and walked to the door. With my hand on the door, I thought, You can do this. And then, I swung open the door.

But something stopped it from fully opening:

A hand.

"Watch it, f*****, " Silas snarled, my weak legs started to shiver as he came into view, "I came up here for your mother dearest to ask if you were coming to eat. Only to be almost hit with your door."

His eyes grew deadly; his smile, wicked.

"Did you know I was there, f*****?" his voice became deeper, dangerous, "Were you trying to get rid of me?"

Now he stepped closer. I quickly blurted out, "No! I-I just wanted to come eat."

"Didn't want to do that earlier though, now did you?" he asked, scanning my skinny body, "Makes me think that you were avoiding me...again."

"N-No!" I lied, as he took a step into my room, praying he didn't feel like breaking anything valuable, "I didn't! I wasn't! I swear!" I hoped I was as good as acting as I thought, as my eyes flickered to the precious glass flower on my nightstand that my grandmother gave me before she died. God, please don't see that, I prayed.

"You're a liar," he seethed, "And a bad one too." He said shutting my bedroom door behind him, locking it. We were alone and unreachable now and he knew it.

"If you want to stay in your room so bad, " he said menacingly, "I'll make sure you can't come out of it."

Then, with my eyes wide with fear, I watched him walk closer to me.

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