Chapter 7

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(*wiggles eyebrows*)



This guy was as hot as hell. In a weird way.

The first time I saw him was when he enrolled in my Anatomy course, walked through the front door in a slump, kind of depressed but dayum.

Those arms weren't the biggest I have ever seen, but I kind of liked them that way. Not too skinny, not too Godzilla either. And his skin was a pretty honey color and his hair was black and blond? Not to mention those beautiful sky blue eyes. I instantly had a crush on him, as I did most pretty guys.

So I managed to sneak a peek at him every once in a while. I would watch him from afar at lunch, and every day, I would argue with myself on whether or not to join him since he was all alone. There had to be a reason why he sat alone, right? But, then again, he just might be awkward and antisocial.

What are you doing? You're awkward and antisocial too! You'll probably just end up embarrassing yourself, I thought to myself, which was probably true. I had no friends either, and heck, I was too shy to talk to the other boys I had crushes on before. I couldn't just go up to him and start a conversation! That was weird!

So, I opted to silently stalk him from the other side of the cafeteria every day. 

He never seemed to notice or did notice and never cared, but either way, I never stopped doing it. I learned his name: Aaron Will. A name made up of simple names. Simple and hot. And I also learned that he was striving to become a doctor (even hotter).

Soon, I ditched every other love I had and began to really invest myself in Aaron Will. I became his certified stalker, even if I tried not to be. I couldn't help but observe him in his natural state, like the background-voice-man watching a gazelle leap through the savanna on one of those old, cheezy Animal Planet documentaries. 

But soon, I started to notice some...strange happenings going on around Aaron. Like that one day, this girl was flirting with him during lunch. He, wanting to be alone, looked very aggravated, but she just wouldn't get the hint. Then, suddenly, the medical book floated beside him. Was I crazy? Did I just see a book float? That's not possible!

But I apparently was! As time went on, I started to notice these kinds of things happening more often. And, as my experience watching Supernatural suggested, I could be dealing with some demon. Especially due to the pale faces people would have after leaving his presence. It was as if they looked into the eyes of a demon!

The pencil was the last straw. As soon as I saw it float, and I knew I wasn't crazy about the book floating. I stared at Will, wondering what exactly he was. It wouldn't hurt to try some demon-killing strategies from Supernatural.

Suddenly, Aaron looked behind him, with a confused expression. Without a second to spare, Aaron's eyes locked with mine. 

You can do this. You can do this. You can keep eye contact, I said, looking back into his eyes, It's just your crush. No big deal.

And then he started glaring me!

Does he know that I know he's not human? I started freaking out immediately.

"Mr. Will, please face the front, unless you want to fail the upcoming exam in this class?" The professor said, saving me. Aaron turned around and resumed his notes. 

He's definitely a demon! Or some other supernatural being! If he was something else, I would be fine with it, but if he's a demon, I need to get rid of him before he hurts someone!

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