Bonus Chapter 1

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(Ghost Guardian has hit 1k!!! I want to celebrate by giving you this BONUS CHAPTER!!)

-said the author like a year ago and is just now posting this lol It's kind of not finished but I thought I would go ahead and give this to you guys.

Aaron's POV

I woke up to Emery's face snuggled into my chest. He was so small but so cute, and he fit into my arms like a key to a lock. His soft brown hair was back- he had gotten sick of the black after a while. Recently, I got him a purple hoodie for Christmas in which he lives in. 

The hood was pulled up slightly over his head. 

It reminded me of last night. 

We had gotten into a pillow fight last night. Yes, you are correct. A pillow fight. We tumbled around like a pair of kids. The pillow fight soon morphed into a tickle fight that lasted most of the night. I chased Emery around the apartment we shared, jumping over couches and chairs, and, at one point, Emery locked himself in the bathroom until I declared that he was cheating.

"It's not cheating!" he protested, "It's strategy!"

However, he still unlocked the door, almost knocking me out with the force he used to open it, and ran to escape. However, he only got to the bedroom before I launched myself at him, and we both fell on the bed together.

Then we kissed.

Kissing Emery was like a dream come true. I never thought I would love anyone enough to date someone- especially after the death of Severin, my ex-boyfriend. But I had moved on now. That was the past.

Emery was the future.

Anyway, we had fallen asleep after kissing a lot on the bed. 

Now, it was morning. I sighed in bliss as the Sun shined through the windows, warming me with its rays. It lit up the walls of the bedroom, which were now a lavender purple. Emery had suggested a color change since we had both moved on from the depressing stage of our lives. Therefore, we had no use for a depressing living space.

I thought the lavender was a little girly, but Emery said he would have picked blue if it wasn't a depressing color. Plus, he liked purple, and, if Emery wanted to live with me, I thought he would enjoy having a touch of his influence on the decor of the apartment.

But I was slowly growing on the color as the days went by.

Emery shifted underneath my arms as if emerging from sleep. I smiled. This was my favorite time of the day.

I kissed his cheek, and he groaned in reply; I kissed my way down his forehead, through his temple, and then finished by a loving kiss to his nose.

We hadn't advanced enough in our relationship to have sex, but I was fine with taking it slow. These moments were the ones I cherished most. Plus, every time I thought about it, I would suddenly feel guilty. Emery is a virgin, I reminded myself, You have to make it perfect.

But the pressure of making it perfect was making me nervous.

"Good Morning," Emery mumbled into my neck without opening his eyes. I smiled at him, then gave him a kiss on the lips. 

"Good Morning," I said back. Emery opened his eyes when I pulled away from the kiss. He sighed.

"Do we have to go to the university today?" he groaned, "I just want to stay here with you."

"I mean, you can skip if you want... but if you want to be a neuroscientist, you got to go," I replied. He responded with another groan.

It made me think of moans. 

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