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We were kissing.

We were too lazy to get up off the couch and walk ten feet away to the doorframe with the mistletoe hanging from it, and, instead, opted to stay snuggled up together, wrapped in the warmth of a blanket and bathed in the light of the living room fire. Kissing just made the moment so much better.

It had been exactly four years since I had this moment with Severin.

Four years, and now look at me, kissing my boyfriend, Emery Adams, with a passion on the same worn couch as I did once before.

I wrapped my arms around his skinny waist and pulled him closer, tilting my head to deepen the kiss. He was basically in my lap, just where I wanted him. My arms were wrapped around his new purple hoodie that I had gotten him for Christmas. 

It had "GHOST BOO-Y" printed on the front of it, and he loved it. 

We had come over for Christmas, just as I had promised my mom, and I told Emery about Severin's death. That it had been in this living room. And that I missed him. 

Emery replied by giving me a comforting kiss, one of the few kisses he had initiated. I may or may not have taken it further, but none of that mattered now; the details were lost in our loved-up minds.

Love. We may not even be there yet, maybe that will be soon to come. But I do know that being here, with Emery, is the path of life that will lead to the most joy. And maybe, perhaps love too.

I had my hopes. So many hopes, in fact, that I had a rose quartz stone in my back pocket, whether or not I believed in its power to help me. 

Emery released himself from our kiss, giving me that loving, yet curious twinkle in his eye. I didn't love him fully, not yet. 

But I was so close to diving in, falling head over heels, throwing myself into the sharks of possible heartache. However, this time, I was doing it safer, slower, and freer.

I didn't have to worry about those footsteps in the night. I didn't have to worry about every creak of floorboards. I didn't have to fear to sleep. Because the man I used to fear is in bars, locked away forever, until he died.

And that thought finally brought me peace and strength to move on.

"Kiss me one more time?" I asked, and he giggled in delight.

"You'll have to catch me first!" he challenged, leaped off my lap, and started sprinting.

"Come back here!" I smiled, chasing after him.

I'll always be chasing after him.

For as long as this lasts.

Because after so many years of feeling like an empty shell, I've finally found someone that gave me purpose.

That filled me up.


Do I really need to put the word count??? Y'all know this ain't 2,000 words, let's get real.

I wanted the Epilogue to be short and sweet because I wanted to end it the way we started, but with less... DEATH.

Death was like, half of the prologue? So that means I just cut the prologue in half.

ANYWAY, GHOST GUARDIAN IS OFFICIALLY OVER! (Except for a few Bonus chapters here or there) I hope you enjoyed!!! If you want better quality writing, you might wanna head over to "No Better Than The Beasts" because it is more developed, and its spin-off is coming out soon!!

I hope you enjoyed reading <3 You guys are so amazing for sticking with me through thick and thin. Such great readers. Give yourselves a pat on the back.


Thank You So Much For Reading xoxo

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