Chapter 16

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(I have so many book ideas and I want to write them all down BUT I CAN'T. I promised myself that I would go one book at a time. It's so tempting but I MUST NOT WRITE OTHER BOOKS. If I do, I might accidentally abandon them.)

Emery's POV

There's a ghost here, I read, and she claims to know Emery.

"A ghost?" I asked aloud, "What do you mean? There are more ghosts?"

There are a thousand ghosts that a living human's eyes can't see, Severus replied, I have seen many, but we do not speak to each other. We are only here to serve our purpose. Not to make friends. This one is the first to talk to me. She says she is only a passing spirit, and she needs to talk to you.

"Okay, give her the pen," Aaron said, after reading over Severin's note. I was still appalled that a ghost wanted to talk to me.

She says no. She is a passing spirit, only there to watch, not interfere. Unlike me, she can't touch things.

"So, a ghost's abilities depend on their purpose?" I asked in excitement, "That's so cool!" And it was. Since I've met Aaron, I have learned so much about the supernatural; Dean and Sam from the Supernatural series would be so proud of me.

The ghost says "you haven't changed." Severin wrote.

"What does she me-"

I stopped mid-sentence when I thought about it. You haven't changed. There was only one person who died in my family, who knew me more than anybody, who I missed the most.

"Grandmother?" I asked out loud, looking in the air. I wish I could see her. If it was her, I wish I could see that knowing smile, with that proud look on her face. "Is- Is she my grandmother?" my voice cracked with emotion. I didn't want to start crying in the school's cafeteria though, so I held it back.

Aaron heard the emotion, I guessed, because with a simple, "Let's go," he dragged me by the hand all the way to his apartment.

My head started rushing with questions as we hurried to his home. Why now? Why not earlier? Was it really my grandmother on the other side? How long has she been watching me? Why hasn't she contacted me earlier?

Aaron dragged me all the way to his apartment. And I hoped the ghost followed us. 


Severin's POV

"So, you are my grandmother?" Emery asked, wide-eyed. He was staring at the notepad with so much hope. I looked at Aaron, who looked extremely uncomfortable; it was probably because he didn't know how to handle the situation. He didn't know what to do.

I looked across to the woman standing, or floating, to my left. She looked wrinkled, but somehow, she still looked young. It was probably because she is not going through any pain like an elderly person usually went through. She stood straight up, smiling knowingly at Emery, with a happy little glint in her eye. She looked at me, who was still holding the pen, and nodded.

She said yes, I wrote. And I looked up to Emery. Our faces were close, due to his leaning toward the notebook, so I saw his expression clearly. At first, there was shock. His eyes widened further, he held a hand up to his mouth. The hand remained there as the shock slowly delved into sorrows, with perhaps nostalgia hidden behind it.

He looked around in the air, as if trying to find his grandmother. Aaron glanced at the answer on the notepad and settled for holding Emery's hand in solace. Aaron's touch made Emery jump, look at his boyfriend, and blush. However, shiny tears had welled up in Emery's eyes, and, as quick as the blush came, tear tracks were running over his rosy cheeks.

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