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The two boys had made it to the grocery store, after much convincing, and were walking around. Sangyeon was trying to persuade Jacob to get what he needed or even wanted, but Jacob was stubborn when it came to people helping him at this point, and was only agreeing on a few things.

"Jacob come on, you need to get more than this! If you go home with that, you will end up starving yourself again after only two days!" Sangyeon said, motioning to the five things in the basket.

"I don't want too much help! Sangyeon I want to be able to do things by myself! Plus, I start my job soon and I will be able to buy some stuff when I get my first pay check!" The younger said, trying to push Sangyeon to the check out counter. The elder held his place, grabbing Jacob by the waist and holding him to get him to stop moving.

"That probably won't be for a couple weeks! If you don't eat for a couple weeks, something bad is going to happen to you! Think of what your doing to yourself! This isn't healthy! You know I don't think here is anything wrong with this, and I just want to make sure you are taken care of. I can't help it, it's a part of my nature. Just pick out what you need! Good enough to last at least a week and a half! Hopefully more, just please please please!" Jacob looked down, moving out of Sangyeon's hold while nodding.

"Fine, but I'm paying yo-"

"No, you are not going to pay me back. This is a favor! If you want, when you can just like take me to dinner or something! Just nothing to big!" He smiled. Jacob did so back, the elder's smile being contagious.

"Okay, Fine!" He said, Sangyeon smiling happily.

"Finally! Jeez, you're way too nice." He mumbled the last part, Jacob still catching it but choosing to ignore it.

After about an hour and a half, Jacob and Sangyeon had finished their shopping spree, and Jacob had gotten enough groceries for the two weeks he would need them. He refused to let Sangyeon into his apartment, though, so he ended up taking all the groceries in himself.

He went back out to give Sangyeon a hug and thank him, multiple times, for everything. The older only made him promise that if he ever needed anything badly, to call him.

Jacob had put all his groceries away, sitting on his bed. He pulled his phone out for the first time in multiple hours. He decided to call Kevin, wanting to just hear his voice.

The phone was picked up after the second ring, and Jacob instantly smiled as he heard his other half on the other end.

"Jacob~ Finally!" Jacob hummed.

"Hi Kevin! I bring good news!" He said, immediately wanting to tell him Kevin he got the job.

"Oh do tell!" Kevin replied, slight sarcasm hinted in his voice.

"Hush, and of course. I got a call from the owner of the café I had my interview at, and he said I got the job!" He heard a large gasp on the other end and chuckled softly.

"No! I disapprove! You need to sleep and rest, like you have school and finals!" Jacob frowned, knowing there was no way Kevin had found out about his parents, so this was an expected reaction.

"Sadly, I can't do that! It's fine, Kevin really!" He heard the scowl on Kevin's face at his next line, but chose to ignore it.

"I still don't approve, but if you say it's fine, I guess that's okay." He paused before continuing on, "but when we meet for the first time, if you are too skinny for my liking, I'm going to feed you so much you are chubby and, even more, adorable!" Jacob blushed, oddly enough finding that something cute.

"I- I don't really know how to react to that, so okay! I'm going to go though! I want you to sleep, okay!" Jacob said.

"You want ME to sleep? What about you? You need to sleep as well." Jacob hummed, checking the time.

"I will as well!" He said, frowning at his lie.

"Okay, well then good night!! Sleep tight Bae!"

"Sleep tight, Moon!" He replied, hanging up and plugging his phone in by his desk. He sat down on the stool he used for it and turned the flashlight for his phone on. He opened his text book and started reviewing some of the topics his teacher said he would need to learn extra about.

A feeling in his stomach told him that Kevin knew he was lying, but he chose to ignore it and say it was just because he actually ate something.

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