Chapter 9 Maurice

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When Lil Maurice Nanny's got here me and John left the Brooklyn and went to Harlem for a big party. "Man you know i don't do this that's why me and Tasha don't talk now she a party hoe. "Look man its for business and you need to find a nice lil gurl for you and Lil Maurice he needs a sweet lil thang holding him I chuckled i hate to admit it but he was right.I do want my son to have a female in his life and mines to. We hitt up the mall and got right on the highway i kept thinking about my son. When i looked at my phone and i saw a missed call from Terell i called him back."Yo whats up man any word with Sarge.Naw but i did hear about Jamal Sarge told Jamal that you stood him up and they tryna say that Jamal is going to team up with Sarge to find us and the crew. "You sure cause like he lives on the East and were North we don't have problems with each other. "I heard their conversation bruh ok give it a month or two and if things heat up we will strap up you got me and tell the rest i said that imma holla at yall later on tomorrow i hung up the call with him. "John i don't trust this cat Terell he sounds like he starting some shit i hate niggas who start shit. I feel ya bruh but don't worry bout it we will get down to the bottom of it like we always do.

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