Chapter 14 Maurice

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I woke up the next morning and packed my bag i couldnt wait to see my son i missed him so much. I walked out and seen John dragging his luggage out of the room we went to the car and drove off the parking lot."Hey can you take me to Tamar's friend house he smiled at me and nodded im glad i told him so cause i seen non other than Jamal arguing with Tamar.Me and John got out the car we had our guns on us and walked up to them."You dirty bitch you come here and hang with these dirty ass people and you came here with you ghetto ass friends talkin all that shit on the phone come on Tamar say goodbye now. "Yo man back off of her he looked up at me and laughed."So it is true yall met at Monty's party you have fun with him."How you find out that party was only to us cause we from Harlem but moved to Brooklyn and only members of the North Kings could come.I looked at John "SHIT we said at the same time it was that Wilson guy like i said."Why dont you leave me and this bitch alone we got unsolved business to handle he smacked Tamar hard and she fell to the ground I pointed my gun at him and shot him in his leg and i seen some dude kick the gun from his reach. I ran to Tamar she was knocked out i put her in her car her bags was in the trunk so i laid her in the back seat ."Yo man im Devon her friend you need me call us I shook his hand thanks bruh."Yall better leave before he gets up and start shooting yall i nodded i pulled out into the street and headed towards the highway with John following me.


When i pulled up into my driveway i carried her inside my house and laid her upstairs in my bed i ran down stairs and seen lil Maurice bouncing and jumping in his play pen and he said his first word."Da Da Da I picked him up and hugged him he called me dad my son said his first words i gave him a kiss on his cheek he had his hands on my face and kissed my lips i smiled I missed my son."Thanks for everything I paid her 800  dollars and she left happy i sat on the couch playing with my son he was so happy to see me and i was happy to see him too.

Later on today:  I put him in his high chair so he can eat mash potatoes. I put some steak in the oven and cooked mash potatoes for me and Tamar when she wakes up."Alright, lil man open up he smiled when i gave him his food he made a face that made me laugh his eyes got big i turned around and seen Tamar."Hey you ok i sat her down on the bar stool and handed her a small bag of ice for her bruise."I didn't kidnap you i promise your car is out front so you can leave when you're ready.Its ok i was finna leave anyway "Awwwe he is so handsome Lil Maurice smiled and we both laughed he knows hes handsome ."What is his name Maurice Darnell Jackson Jr. Hes my son. I can tell he got your pretty eyes and your name we both chuckled i seen Tamar sit back on the stool and cry."Im sorry to cry but i always wanted kids but um Last year i was pregnant with Jamal's child he was happy but when he got high he threw me down the stairs punched me and kicked me in my stomach. The next morning i woke up blood every where i went to the doctor and found out i was 2 months pregnant but the baby was dead.  I flinched when i heard her story I looked over at my son i couldn't imagine that happening."Hey look at me Tamar i picked her up and sat her down on top of the counter Its ok you hear me im here for you now and so is lil Maurice ok."Jamal aint a man a real man makes love to his women takes her out makes her smile and give her beautiful children. "I do care for you Tamar and i will protect you that day i first saw you i protected you like you was my women and i will protect you always ok .I touched her face and kissed her gently then i felted something wet on my face i looked at Lil Maurice he was throwing mash potatoes he bust out laughing Tamar was laughing to."Oh its funny i picked her up and she was giggling i put her down and looked her into her eyes. "Be my gurl Tamar she smiled at me I will and i kissed her passionately .

Awwwe thats soooo cute and Lil Maurice hes such a funny baby but its not over keep reading♥♥♥♥

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