Chapter 30 Jamal

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"So you killed Sasha and got away im so ashamed of you Tamar you killing people I had to protect my son.Jamal stood up "Dont touch my mommy Rce pushed him and threw his bottle at him.Thats enough i turned around and seen Dequaris good why dont you babysit the boy and i get this beautiful gurl."I dont think so they came together as a package i pushed her away but Dequaris caught her he took them outta my sight. Then Tawanda came in laughing "She's pretty i smiled and kissed her sweetly i missed you yeah you did i did baby.Here is your sandwhich and change thanks i kissed her and she walked out. "Sir here is your money i opened the brif case and all monoply money fell out."WHY YOU FUCKING WITH ME MAN WHERE MY SHIT AT!!! SOME DUDE NAMED LIL ROCKIE TOLD ME THAT ITS YOURS HE SAID IF I OPEN IT YOU WOULD KILL ME!!. I put my gun down and anwered my phone ."I see you got our little gifted we got your money and man its alot my home boy counted it you got 50 thousand in the case. Ha but i got your gurl Terell saw them in the street let them go or your lil gurlfriend thats walking outta the building she gonna be Devons bitch. "Damn mama bad oooh chica he was now laughing at me Fuck you Maurice damn you are a cold as man i chuckled so i have been told. the longer you keep my son and gurl the longer i keep fuckin up shit for you he hung up and i paid him no mind im powerful fuck him .

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