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Kya's heart stopped, leaving Kaiden passed out in their bed, she took this time to escape to the balcony and discuss her brain with their offspring

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Kya's heart stopped, leaving Kaiden passed out in their bed, she took this time to escape to the balcony and discuss her brain with their offspring. Although she wasn't sure if it comprehended anything she was saying, or even cared, she found comfort in talking to someone she knew she could trust. But when Kaiden came up behind her unexpected, she was stunned, wondering just how much he had heard or just how long he had been standing there. Listening...

"What's tha plan then? You got a place there or?..." He sat down on the hammock that hung from each corner of the balcony, patting the space beside him.

"Mhm... a two bed apartment. Much like our little place here. It looked so homely, like that's where we could build ourselves. Close to the beach too, an essential!" She huffed, feeling her whole being deflating at just how sad he did indeed look. Laying her head on his shoulder, she took a deep breath, which was everything she could do to stop herself from crying.

"Nice, and how much is there left?" He asked, resting his head on hers.

"Enough, we'll be comfortable." She cleared her throat to attempt to dislodge the forming lump that grew there. She knew it in her soul that he wasn't coming, but still insisted on comforting herself that he was.

"And what happens if I don't come..." he sighed, laying back into the hammock, Kya following and snuggled right beside him.

"I haven't thought that far..."

"Girl shut up!" Kya rolled her eyes as her friends were hyping her up about her sudden glow! Her friends falling into a fit of giggles

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"Girl shut up!" Kya rolled her eyes as her friends were hyping her up about her sudden glow! Her friends falling into a fit of giggles.

"Damn! Me need to find me a Kaiden for sure!" Leandra beamed at just how evidently Kya was blushing right now.

"Ite Le that's enough! Kya over here blushin, you had ya fun.... Now girl! This America shit again!? Thought we done talked about this!" Melissa groaned, chomping on another fry. Being a whole year older than the girls she accompanied herself with, Melissa was definitely the mother of the group, guiding her friends to make the right choices. And America wasn't one, in her eyes, for Kya.

"We did, and I said I'd let it go until Jah gives me a sign..." Kya chewed on the inside of her cheek, slouching back into her seat as Melissa stared her down.

"And you really tink Kaidens gonna follow you? Girl you know he ain't! The boy loves de island! Lives and breathes Guava. He ain't that head over heels for you to up and leave that." Melissa kept at her young friend, Leandra pulling out her phone wanting no part of this.

"M! Enough, I made up my mind and that's final." Kya threw her arms over her torso and focused her gaze outside into the parking lot. Her eyes following a familiar looking person run right past, she huffed realising it was indeed her man running late for something as per usual.

"All I'm sayin is how is Kaiden gonna feel? His summertime, the light of his life and soul mate, abandoning him for America." Melissa sighed, knowing nothing she was going to say could change Kyanna's mind but still couldn't help herself from voicing her opinion.

"Mel, me tink you should leave it. If Kyanna's made up her mind then not even Jah can change it." Leandra piped up, calling a waiter for the bill so that they could all leave. Hopefully leaving this tensed atmosphere here too.

Kya followed her friends out of the little restaurant, stuck in her own mind the two girls decided to leave her to it. They decided between them that they'd head for the beach, a relaxing place for Kya to think things over and for the three to enjoy their time together. Since their trio was about to become a duo rather soon.

"You think I'm bein selfish?" Kya spoke slowly after a while, Leandra and Melissa turning to give her their full attention.

The two girls didn't say anything, Mel tilted her head slightly in the same direction that Leandra's eyes glanced, Kya following their not so subtle cues to find Kaiden

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The two girls didn't say anything, Mel tilted her head slightly in the same direction that Leandra's eyes glanced, Kya following their not so subtle cues to find Kaiden. An instant smile grew on her face as she leapt up to greet him.

"Mama said you wanted to talk!" He said between a pant, obviously running here.

"Mhm, but if you ain't got time. No worries..." Kya looked to her girls for permission to leave, none of them objecting, just quickly making up excuses why they had to get going before doing just that!

Taking Kaiden's hand in hers she began leading him down a little pathway, taking them to a secret little place the two very much enjoyed escaping too. Kya sat down first, underneath their usual tree looking out at the ocean. Kaiden quickly getting the hint to join her, she laid her head on his shoulder and sighed.

"It wasn't supposed to go like this... It was supposed to be me and you escaping the island and starting a fresh, together!" She sighed, wanting to cry out loud at the fact she was getting nowhere in convincing him to go with her.

"Kya, you think you're gonna escape everything here over there?... Everywhere is falling into the same corrupt system. Working for the man to get a decent pay slip, it ain't just Guava. We're escaping nothing!" Kaiden pulled Kya into his lap, resting his forehead on hers. "I love Guava, I love you! But, everything is here. Our friends, our family... Well our mamas. How do you expect me to drop everythin and go with you?... Now was this what you wanted to talk about?" He asked, pecking at her soft lips.

"Umm, well I guess it all kinda ties in-" cutting her sentence short when Kaidens phone began ringing. Taking one glance at his face, she groaned know he'd have to leave.

"Oh shit, sorry. Um I gotta go, can we talk at home?"



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