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"Austin right?" Kya asked as the guy grinned.

"That's me! You must be Kya, Elyse told me you're the best for this job so I hope that's true!" He chuckled at Kya's nervous expression

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"That's me! You must be Kya, Elyse told me you're the best for this job so I hope that's true!" He chuckled at Kya's nervous expression. "It ain't that hard! Answer phones, book in appointments. I'm on good terms with the boss so you're practically hired. Elle made me promise to feed you before I drop you back... Also, I'm kinda under selling the job. You get weekends off, the pay is damn good and there's benefits to it... But I'll let the boss tell you all that."

"I really appreciate this Austin, thank you!" Kya beamed as she climbed into his merc. He nodded in response before starting up the car and heading for the hospital.

"So, I've heard what Elle has told me. But I would much prefer to get to know you through you if that makes sense. Since we will be spending our working week together!" Austin seemed a lot more laid back than his sister, just having this calming aura to him that Elle didn't posess. Kya knew they were going to get along just as well despite their slight differences.

"Well what  do you want to know?" Kya shrugged, she was never all that great at this part of making friends, always relying on those with the bigger personalities to step in. Since moving to America, she soon realized just how much she did indeed rely on Kaiden, Elyse quickly filling that void.

"How about the reason you moved here." He quickly glanced to Kya as they stopped at a red light, she sighed chewing on her cheek as she tried to come up with an answer she wouldn't need to explain too much.

"Guava just wasn't for me. Yes it will always be home, and will have that special place in my heart... I just feel like I can appreciate it for what it is from afar. Being their just wasn't good for my mentality, I watched my mama go through the whole not wanting to leave because of what she thought tied her down, and it suffocated her. She's still there now, but I'm hoping me being here will give her an excuse to escape for a minute."

"Damn! You'd think it would be literal heaven living in Paradise... You know Elle and I have family back in Guava. We actually head out there yearly, skipping out this year because it'll be too close to when Elyse is due. But I totally get it, no time to appreciate the beauty of the island." Austin smiled before letting Ky know they were here.

"So I'll walk you in and take you to where your interview will be. Don't stress it girl, you've already got the job thanks to me!" He grinned again before saying hello to some fellow employees, beaming at one in particular.

"Whose he?" Kya asked, instantly regretting her boldness.

"Just some guy i'm trying to Yanno, get to know... But! Here you are my lady, this is as far as I can take you, the rest is all you!! I'll wait out here for you and find some pizza places we can eat at after." Austin said adding a Good Luck just before she walked into the office.

"Take a seat Ms. Fenty, it's a pleasure to meet you! I understand you're a close friend of Austin Fox." The man said as he finished off something on his computer, not yet giving Kya an ounce of his attention.

"I am yes." Kya answered quietly as she picked at her nail polish.

"Okay, so this isn't exactly pizza.... But it is Italian! Also lunch is on me." Austin said sheepishly as he put the car in park.

Kya scanned the restaurant in front of her, it looked posh, the sign read Georgio Baldi. She was apprehensive at first, new foods weren't exactly her forte. She was the definition of a picky eater, Kaiden never gave up trying to introduce her to new cuisine, hence how she found her love for Italian. But no one could make it quite like he, even restaurants not living to her expectation.

"You good?" Austin asked nudging her as he laughed watching her come to. She nodded.

"Right so normally I would recommend some wines to go along with whatever dish you order, they're all amazing! But considering your condition... I'll find something else to compliment your meal of choice." Austin beamed before greeting the waiter with a hug and a kiss on the cheek, before they were led to their table.

"Well have at it Kya! Elle made me promise to feed you so I'm gonna make sure you're well fed before we get back. Starter main and dessert because that is the only way to first try Georgio's.

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