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Dropping her Mama a message as she waited around in the maternity ward with Elyse and Austin. Elle's waters had broken a few hours ago, but it wasn't yet go time as she was only 2cms dilated. However, Basel was kind of stressed so instead of discharging her, they hooked her up to as many wires as they could find to monitor her.

Peering over at her friend, Kya smiled as Elle finally managed to get some rest. Austin was chewing his nails beside her as Kya snuggled up to him, tired too. Austin looked at her full of thought, she smiled back as he continued to ponder. Her brows frowned before she sat back and questioned him.

"Is Summer's Dad coming to be with you?" Austin asked, his big brown eyes practically looking into her soul.

"Umm... what?" Kya asked trying to deflect the question, not sure how much more talk of Kaiden she could mentally deal with.

"He knows right? So why ain't he here? Kya he should be in here with you! Not me! Not your mama, but Kaiden. And why isn't he here already!!" Austin looked serious, like he wasn't about to drop this conversation any time soon. Kya sighed.

"He doesn't know Austin. I didn't want to force him out here... Kaiden would've loved our child, but it just wasn't the right time. If I could've helped it I woulda... Not that I regret my baby, never! But yanno what I'm tryna say. If I had told Kaiden I was pregnant he would've dropped everything and moved with me just because that's what was expected of him. I didn't want that for him, I wanted him to make his own choice no matter how much it tears me apart. That's why he ain't here." Kya hung her head, an overwhelming guilt washing over her for the second time today. Austin sat back, took a deep breath and sighed.

"Last push Elyse!" The midwife said with a big smile on her face, she had been quite amused by the reaction of the new mothers peers. It tickled her more since learning the woman currently holding Elyse's hand throughout this was due today too.

The room gasped as Basel made his entrance to the world known with his high pitched squeal, all three bawling at the sight of the new baby. The midwife smiled, it sure had been an emotional rollercoaster after losing his heart beat twice in the birthing process. Kya silently thanked Jah for the safe delivery of her friends baby, praying for a less complicated birth herself.

"A healthy baby boy!" The midwife smiled as she came back with Basel all clean. Elyse held out her arms to finally hold him, crying as if she had stopped.

"Oh my god, look at him!!" Elle beamed through her tears, kissing the new born all over. Kya and Austin were just in awe, all crowded around the little fella.

"Welcome to the world Basel Love Fox" Austin beamed before being punched by Elle for calling him by his name before she got the chance. The midwife laughed before announcing that she'd give us all a moment of privacy before returning for tests.

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