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Kya prayed that he wouldn't notice her, not like how she was

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Kya prayed that he wouldn't notice her, not like how she was. A complete wreck. She held in the tears well, kept herself composed, apart from the stone cold expression she held. He sang his heart out, and had the whole stadium captivated.

"This closing song is called Summertime Magic, I wrote it for my very own piece of summertime. You already know who you are, if you're listening..." His beaming expression fell, as the backing track began playing and he began singing her song.

Elyse quickly wrapped her arms around her bestfriend, recognising the lyrics, hearing Kya sing the exact same ones to Summertime. And suddenly everything was piecing itself together. Kya lost it, her tears falling violently, enough to knock her backwards.

"Is it

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"Is it... summertime magic?" He sang, moving to get a better view of something he thought he saw.

"It's your summertime magic that makes me feel this way..." She knew at this point he was singing to her, his eyes burning a hole through her skull as she tried to avoid his piercing gaze. As she glanced up, she couldn't help but beam as he was putting on a show just for her. Keeping his eyes on her as he sang and performed, she couldn't stop the tears now as they flooded out.

The show came to an end after what seemed like a lifetime, the stage lights illuminating the stadium as the masses of people began leaving. She felt a confused kind of sadness as she followed Michael out, he had ignored this whole situation, stating he wanted them to leave as fast as humanly possible.

Security helped to control the crowd trying to squeeze through each set double doors scattered around the arena. Kya being strung along by Michael who was pushing through the crowd raised suspicion, two guards stopping the couple.

"Kyanna Fenty?" One spoke as he noticed her piercing green eyes, she certainly looked different than the image sent to the whole security team. But their was familiarity in her facial features.

"Umm-" she stammered, it catching her by surprise when the security guard knew her name.

"Let's go, Kya c'mon!" Michael huffed, groaning as she hushed him.

"Umm, yeah. Yeah that's me..." she spoke softly. The security guard smiled before saying that Kaiden wanted to see her, showing her the image he sent just to be sure that it was her.

 The security guard smiled before saying that Kaiden wanted to see her, showing her the image he sent just to be sure that it was her

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Kya nodded, feeling a lump in her throat forming. She remembered that night as if it were yesterday rather than the year and a half it actually was. They were at his sisters wedding, Kayleigh, his big sister from his dads previous affair before Joy.

"Come this way... Your friends can stay."

Kya put her actions before thought, following the security guards before she could even speak with her friends. Her stomach was doing summersaults, and the lump in her throat was growing bigger. She felt like she couldn't breath, her tears were now vastly escaping her.

The security guard announced her arrival, as she held her breath. He seemed to be taking forever, or it sure felt that way. But soon they were staring at each other, not sure exactly what to do or say as the people in the room began filtering out.

"Summer..." he beamed, his feet fumbling one in front of the other as he suddenly couldn't get to her quick enough. She took a sharp breath in as he slammed his lips against her, in a desperate kiss as his hands found their natural placing around her now thicker frame. He was holding onto her so tightly, as if he expected her to disappear whenever it was that they managed to separate themselves from the sloppy and emotion kiss they found themselves tangled in. Her hands soon found their way to his freckles cheeks, she pulled herself away to look into those brown orbs of his. The both of them laughing as they admired each others tear streaming faces.

"Oh Jah I missed you!" She exclaimed before pulling him in for another kiss.

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