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Knocking on Elyse's door, Kya waited a moment before knocking again. The door suddenly swung open as she was met with dark brown eyes and a beaming smile.

"Eh! Kya, how you doin?" Kelvin beamed stepping aside so she could come in.

"Not bad, Elle not up I take it?" Kya said as she plonked herself down on the sofa.

"Nah, but I'm about to get her ass up with some food... There's extra if you want some?" Kelvin said pointing his thumb over his shoulder, Kya looked at what he had cooked, practically drooling at the sight. "You know where everything is, help ya self!" Kelvin laughed as he disappeared into the bedroom.

Kya helped herself to the fry up breakfast, pouring herself a glass of OJ that was in a carton on the side and sat down. Smiling as Elle and Kelvin joined her.

"So... I'm guessing you need a job right?!" Elle smiled, her hair still a mess and her face barer than usual.

"Well, yeah! Sorta..." Kya shrugged, although she had enough money to see her through, she knew her baby was about to cost her a small fortune and bills. So a job would be ideal, if anyone would take a pregnant woman.

"Good!! Austin said they're looking for a receptionist at the hospital. It's not the greatest job of all time but it's something that'll pay the bills and pass the time." Elle proudly and smugly smiled at her friend who looked at her shocked.

"Elle..." Kya started, not sure what to say.

"I've talked to Austin and he's gonna put in a good word for you if you want it." Elyse said shovelling in some more food.

"Of course!! Elle I don't know what I'd do without you!" Kya laughed softly, meaning every word.

"Well, now you owe me!! And I'm thinking babysitting Bun for me..." Elle grinned thinking of all the things she could get Kya to do now she had power.

"Ite, Nothin too extravagant now Elle!" Kya laughed with the shake of her head.

"Elle, Ion wanna

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"Elle, Ion wanna. Lets go home and order food!" Kya whined following Elyse into the Mommy and baby group.

"It's good for little bean in there! And you, come on or no pizza later!!" Elle beamed from ear to ear knowing she had her friend there.

"Ugh! If this is a load of shit I ain't coming again..." Kya pouted as she internally battled with herself as she scanned the room of beautiful moms, with their perfect bumps. Definitely not ingesting the junk food she had been.

"Good morning Ladies! I see a few new faces here so I think it's time we introduce ourselves again and freshen up what we know about each other... let's see... How about we start with you? What's your name?" The teacher looked straight at Kya who was busy grumbling to Elyse. "Excuse me.... Yes you, please introduce yourself to the group."

"Errrm. I'm Kya?" She answered, feeling her cheeks warm up from how embarrassed she was.

"And how far along are you Kya?"

"Bout 10 weeks." Kya replied, praying to Jah that she would move on quick.

"Your first child I take it?" The class looked back to Kya as she nodded in response. "Anything else you'd care to share with the class?"

"Nah, I'm good." She exhaled as if she had been holding her breath the whole time, everyone's attention now focused on Elyse who confidently told everyone her whole life story since being pregnant. Oh to have her confidence.

Once everyone had introduced themselves, and Kya held back any snide comments, the teacher moved on to the importance of a healthy diet, and staying healthy throughout pregnancy. Leaving Kya feeling personally attacked, yet even more hungry as the woman listed foods she shouldn't be eating, but very much wanted to!

"Me take no notice, me baby get what me baby want." Kya muttered to herself, Elle laughing quietly as she overheard her friend.

"Who she tink she is? Jah help me." Kya groaned, before the teacher looked at her.

"Care to share with the class Kya?" She asked, reminding her of her high school days.

"Oh, sorry! We didn't mean to interrupt!" Elyse jumped in quickly, noticing how stunned her friend was.

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