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A/n: would tie in around 001 and 002. What do you guys know about webnovel?

"This new?" Michael asked pointing to a framed photograph of Austin, Kya and a little girl. Kya came back from the kitchen with drinks in her hand. She glanced over to see what he was talking about as she placed the wine glasses down on the coffee table.

"Mhm... That was the other week actually." Kya smiled, pushing the overwhelming feeling of missing her daughter to the back of her brain. She knew she was having the time of her life with her Uncle Austin.

"So when can I meet her?" Michael asked so seriously, Kya almost sprayed her wine out of her nose once the question processed in her brain.

"Michael! I said no, and dats final..." Kya found her mom voice coming out as the young man kept badgering her to meet the love of her life. Kya decided early on, before she even thought of letting this man into her life, that she would keep him and her personal life separate. Summertime knew exactly who her Daddy was and she didn't want to confuse the situation by adding in another man.

"Ky! Why? Am I not important to you? Wassup?" Michael groaned, running his hand down his face. Kya sighed, sitting down beside him.

"Michael, you are! But it ain't that time yet... it's been what? Four months..." Kya actually had to search her brain for that figure.

"Seven! But it's cool... I'm- I'm gonna head out Ky." Michael chucked down some money to pay for the already ordered but not yet delivered food. Gave her a kiss on the cheek, told her that he loved her and made his way to the door.

"Michael! Wait...." Kya groaned, the butterflies in her stomach rummaging around her belly for an exit, she was so nervous she could barely breathe! Her heart, mind and soul all arguing with each other at once. She took a deep breathe as he turned to face her, those beautiful big dark brown eyes staring back at her for a response.

"Ky, I don't get it. I'm patient, I'm so fucking patient. I waited and waited, put all of this, all of us in your hands, jump when you say jump, back up when you say so. Keep my distance when you're with your daughter. Keep a low profile around her too, and it kills me! I want this. I want you, Summertime, and everything in between. I just-" he sighed, somehow making it back to the sofa beside her as he deflated into it. She quickly gathered him up in her arms and kissed up on him.

"Do you even want that? Am I wasting my damn time?" Michael asked, causing Kya to cease all movement, even caused her heart to freeze.

"I- I-" Kya composer herself. Sat back. Closed her eyes. Sighed. "I- ugh... I don't know what I want Michael!!!"

"Is this not what you want..." Michael asked looking into those soulful green eyes of her. He knew she had a story behind them, he just needed to gain her trust enough to hear it.

Kya shrugged before sighing. "I thought this was all in my hands. You said you not gonna push it, and you're pushing it." She bowed her head before crashing her body into his, needing to feel some sort of comfort.

"I just need to know you're in this as much as I am, it- I- I just need to know"

"And when I have an answer, you will know" Kya sighed, peeling herself away from him. "Right now I don't know..."

"Well you better figure it out. And fast!" Micheal frowned as he got up to leave, gathering his things as he went

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 24, 2020 ⏰

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