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Kya had begged Austin to take her to run some errands. It was the weekend, more specifically a Saturday so she knew he'd be off. She needed to get a few googled remedies to get her labour started. She was a week overdue and over it all for sure! There was nothing for the hospital or midwife to do until they really had to. But seeing Elle with her baby Basel, she was ready to have her little piece of summertime! But she was taking her time, Kya had decided today was eviction day, determined that she would be born today! It would be her Daddy's birthday tomorrow and although inside it killed Kya that this would be the first birthday she had missed in 21 whole years. She sure didn't show it! She was just under a year older than her man, not that you could tell! He had a good head on his shoulders.

"Hey! Earth to Ky!" Austin laughed waving his hand in front of her. She blinked a few times before giving him her attention. "Where are we going?"

Kya gave him the directions that her phone gave her and soon they were outside of a homeopathy store. She need some evening primrose oil capsules, reading that they were most effective on 90% of over due mother's. The next stop would be a restaurant that sold some kind of labour salad. Kya was willing to try anything, fearing that her womb was far too comfy and her baby would never leave!

"What the hell is this? Can you take this?" Austin asked nervously, he didn't know much about how this whole thing worked but he knew for sure pills and most tasty foods were out. Kya laughed before nodding.

"This is gonna hopefully start my labour off!" Kya giggled again at his dumbfounded face.

"Ky... You n I both saw Elle go through that right?!" His face read horror, which only added to her giggles. The people surrounding them inside the store were beginning to look, as he hushed her.

"Yes! And as much as I dread going through that! I still want my baby girl here... She's been in there long enough!" Kya rubbed at her belly, smiling as Summer poked a little hand or a foot out too.

"Well alright! Damn I guess we doing this huh?" Austin shuddered. "And you seriously want me there too right? I mean I don't mind just coming in after all that's happened and there's a clean Summer for me to meet!" His eyes looked hopeful before she shook her head.

"I want you there too Austin! Summer loves you already so you gotta be there!" Kya smiled before giving the man a big hug when he finally somewhat agreed.

Kya paid for the things she had gathered, and managed to convince Austin to drive across town to a resturant that sold her sought after labour inducing salad. She was determined that today would be the day her baby came, all of her nesting had paid off, the second box room of her apartment all ready for her arrival as well as the rest of the house! 

Kya cooed at the videos she was receiving from her best friend. Basel was honestly the calmest baby any of them had come across, which had Kya praying that Summertime would be the same... In the back of her brain somewhere though, she knew she had no chance in hell her prayers would come true because she witnessed first hand how they both were as littlees. Austin peered over to look at her phone, as soon as they hit a red light, joining in with his friends coos.

Austin sighed as he saw his friends face growing sadder, he knew that seeing both Elyse and Kelvin in the video with Basel had upset her. Knowing that somewhere deep down she did want that full family unit for her baby, even if she had been putting up a great facade. Her mama was down and he knew that was another factor to the occasional waves of sadness. She spoke so highly of her Aunty Joy, Kaiden's mother, and how excited she would be if she was around her and Summer. Kya always mentioned how she knew that Summer was going to have her daddies freckles and her green eyes. But still she remained too stubborn to do something about the situation that she so badly wanted to fix... And he sat silently, wishing he could add his two pence.

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