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Kaiden's P.O.V.
Running up to the radio shack, only 10 minutes late for his airing, he quickly grabbed his guitar and headed into the booth. His manager shaking his head before pointing to the imaginary watch on his wrist. Kaiden shrugged before nodding to the assistant to air him.

"Good morning Guava!! This is Kaiden Brown presenting you another one of my newly written songs." Kaiden then quickly tuned the guitar to his liking, a key down from its usual sound. He sang a song written for Kya, hoping she'd still be tuning in wherever she was now. It gave him hope that this was one way they could actually be in contact. Yes she wrote him but there was no way he could respond because she wouldn't let him, refusing to put on a return address.

Signing off for the morning, Kaiden left abruptly, attempting to avoid his manager. He left running for another scheduled appointment that he was destined to be late for. Since Kya up and left he had to remind himself of every little thing he never even had to think of himself. Kya was his everything, she knew everything and did everything so he could just continue running around. He was always running around and always late, but now he's even more late and his feet can barely keep up with the pace he needed to be going to get back on track... It probably didn't help that he wasn't taking proper care of himself... Despite convincing his suddenly overbearing mother that he was indeed looking after himself.

"Kaiden!" A familiar voice called, Kaiden stopped and instantly turned in response, panting as he scanned the surrounding area for the person who belonged to the voice.

"Baby, its for you.. Its- Its Kyanna." His mama spoke, tears falling down her face. As Kaiden froze she kept nudging her way forward eventually reaching him. Kaiden reluctantly took the mobile phone into his hands as he tried to wake himself up from the initial shock he was currently going through.

"H-Hello?" Kaiden eventually spat out just as Kya was about to hang up, cussing something under her breath about the signal.

"Kaiden!.." She sounded as if she was beaming before she took in a sharp breath which let him know she was indeed losing the fight against her emotions. They were silent for a moment, neither one of them sure of what to say to the other, but in their heads expressing themselves explicitly and without filter.

"I- I have... How- How are you?" Kya muttered through an abundance of tears. Her accent had changed, she no longer bared such a thick accent that was native to them. Her words sounding more American than they once had... But he knew their natural dialect was rather hard to comprehend if you weren't used to it.

"I- I'm- I fine... Why you call Kyanna..." He tried to hold back the venom in his tone but couldn't quite manage as well as he had wished.

"I called to - Kaiden, I miss you so damn much! I- I sorry for everything..." Kya barely whispered, Kaiden pushing the receiver closer to his ear just to catch a glimpse of what she may have said.

"Yeah, I miss you too..." He sighed back in a response. Neither of them were sure of what to say, there was nothing to say. Seven months is a long time to catch up on with just a phone call.

"How's the music? I manage to tune in every now and then over here" Kya said, he could almost tell she had a slight smile on her face, which in turn created one for him. One of the only smiles he's had for a while.

"You know, the usual. I can only do so much here..." He sighed, pondering the thought of where he could be had he taken the opportunity to take his music to America with his girlfriend. Was she even that now?

"Kaiden, I've heard you! You're doing pretty well! All that practice is finally paying off!" She said as he groaned. "I really just called to say Happy Birthday for tomorrow! I'm at...  I'm at work so won't get the chance to call..." she felt a knot in her throat lying to him, the guilt causing her stomach to want to retch.

After a long pause Kaiden responded a meek Thank you before the two said a regretful goodbye and continued on about their day.

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