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"Where have you been?" Her voice ringing in his ears as he came face to face with his former fling

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"Where have you been?" Her voice ringing in his ears as he came face to face with his former fling.

"On Tour. What the hell are you doing here?" He asked, feeling a little insulted that she thought herself important enough to him, to be questioning he in his own household.

"To ask you about this. Who the hell is this child?" Rhiannon's voice shuddered, fearing his response because the photograph was far to intimate to be just some random child.

"My daughter

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"My daughter..." He shrugged looking at his own Instagram photo that he had posted a few days ago.

"Your- your what now?!" Rhiannon exclaimed, her phone dropping out of her hand dramatically. He rolled his eyes before repeating himself.

"What's it to you? I'm touring now, you n I are done. That was the deal." Kaiden said looking her dead in the eye as the color drained from her face.

"Wait, wait wait. Lemme get this straight, I mean you ain't never mentioned a daughter! Nor some baby mama... Cash me up real quick cuz I obviously missed this!!" Rhiannon growled, feeling as if she might cry, throw up, or slap him... or, maybe, all three.

"Rhiannon! Damn. I told you about Kyanna-"

"Yeah I recall that hoe, the daughter part I'm kinda foggy on... So that's how it is huh? Kya comes running back now you're some big shot, and you fold! Damn Kaiden, to think I thought you were some mans who didn't give a fuck about women? Cuz that's sure as hell the impression you gave me and your handful of side chicks! Didn't realise one could actually whip ya ass into shape, specially if that bird ain't me!" Rhiannon seemed to be getting rather irked by this, the reason why was beyond him because he sure as hell didn't remember making this official between them.

"Aye, summat musta slipped MY damn mind cuz I don't remember wife-ing you, marrying you! And I sure as hell didn't think I needed to answer to you! Damn Rhiannon I thought I made this CLEAR but fuck obviously not! Me and you are NOTHING! Not. A. Damn. Thing! Except some fuck I could depend on being there, being up for it and then down for parting ways. NO. STRINGS. ATTACHED. Clearly somewhere along the lines you attached some!" Kaiden spoke, his words like venom continuously puncturing her soul.

"Wow! WOW KAIDEN! After ALL this?! After ALL I been there for you through?! This how YOU about to treat ME?! DAMN! And here I was thinking you summat different! Well lemme add two and two together, she left you after she fell pregnant with your baby, that you knew jack shit about?! Well I'm sorry that don't sit with me! You suppose to be my man! MINE! You think I sat through all your heartbreak, all you blubbering about your summertime?! For this?! Naaaww! Kaiden! Naw! Drop her, and ya baby. You. don't. even. know. if. she's. YOURS. Damn I ain't be surprised if she doing all this for some clout!!" Her venom tasted just as sour as his. His face scrunched up, his fists balling before he reminded himself to count down from 5.

"Get. The. Hell. Out. MY. Damn. House. Rhiannon!... I ain't about to repeat myself again! Matter of fact give my damn key back. As of right now you're officially dropped, them side chicks you speak of too. You knew damn well what we were and how long we were bout to last. Now this the last straw, I ain't having anyone speak like that about my family. Kya and I- You know what? Why the hell am I answering to you?! Get the hell out before I call security and make this a little more official than it needs to be."

With that he had her running out of his place, dropping his key on the way out. The cool tone in his voice was something she hadn't heard before, and something she sure didn't want to be around. His brown orbs so intense, that it had her quaking in her boots, wanting so damn much to be able to swallow up her words and take it all back.

Kaiden took a deep breath, looking down at his phone there was a message from Kya asking what was taking so long. Since he did only return home for some more clothing and other necessities. He shot back a quick response saying he'd explain when he got back.

"You mean- You mean you were about to move on?" Kya asked, her heart feeling as if he had ripped it from her chest and stomped on it before returning it back.

"Naw!" He sucked his teeth. "When I say that Summertime huh?"

Her heart warmed at the nickname that hadn't slipped through his mouth since before she left the island. But she soon came back down to Earth, the story of before their coming together still ringing in her ears. The name Rhiannon tugging on her heart strings.

"Well you obviously felt for this, this Rhiannon because why else would she have a key to your place? If, if she was just some fuck like you said then, then why make such an effort to keep her around? Why even go that extra mile, damn extra 500 miles to give her that key? You gotta of had some feeling for her. I know you ain't that cold Kaiden Christopher Maurice Brown. Or did you forget I know you better than anyone?" She fought back the nearly escaping flood of tears.

"It's what I said it was Kyanna. I kept her around because she reminded me of you! She comforted me because of likeliness she had to you. But I made it clear as soon as I was on tour that was us done." Kaiden shrugged, Kya reading him as a colder man than she left in Guava.

"Or is that just because I'm here, in the flesh that you so adamant to be done with her? Because you don't need her now you got the real thing? Be honest with me Kaiden, and tell me that if I weren't here right now that you wouldn't have caved and let her back in to your life?" Kya was serious, her green irises turning more of a brown as her mood shifted darker.

He was silent.

Of course he was.

"See? Goodnight Kaiden." She kisses him on the top of the head before retreating back to her room, where the tears ripped out of her. Being so violent that she was struggling to keep her noise down, because all of a sudden she felt something since being reunited with him. Her mind still able to convince herself that this was all a dream, until he spoke some truths she wasn't ready to hear. Her heart never wanting to hear.

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