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Kyanna groaned, her momma had just called to let her know she was thinking of her. And that Kaiden had received her letters, they all did, he just took it a lot harder than everyone else. Going off on the fact she didn't attach a return address, before disappearing. He had been gone a few days, without word.

Elle was banging at her door as if she sensed her shift in mood. Kyanna groaned before shouting for her to go away, throwing a couch cushion at the door.

"Fine! I guess we'll eat this Hawaiian pizza, with extra e v e r y t h i n g all by ourself

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"Fine! I guess we'll eat this Hawaiian pizza, with extra e v e r y t h i n g all by ourself..." Elle shouted from behind the door, but before she could turn around to head back to her own apartment, Kya had swung the door open.

"I hate you!" Kya frowned making her way back to the duvet covered couch

"And I love you too, do you mind?" Elle gestured to the duvet, as Kya lifted it in response. The two got comfortable putting on a movie before tucking into the pizza.

"You thought of any names?" Elyse asked catching a yawn in her hand.

"Mmm, I'm thinking Summertime or Sunny, depending on boy or girl. You guys?" Kya answered before shoving more pizza into her mouth.

"Hamilton for a boy and well we haven't got so far as to picking a name for a girl.... Why summertime? As lovely as the name is!..." Elle had learnt quickly just how quickly Kya's moods switched, always airing on the side of caution especially when she was in a down mood like this.

"Kaiden came up with it actually, he would call me his forever piece of summertime because of what I brought to his life

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"Kaiden came up with it actually, he would call me his forever piece of summertime because of what I brought to his life. The energy and the uplifted emotion that the summertime brought to the island of Guava. He wrote me a song called Summertime magic, and would call me that. So if this baby is a girl, I'd like my own forever piece of summertime." Kya groaned, before declaring that she couldn't eat another bit, as Elle laughed at her dramatics.

"Well for your sake I hope bean is a girl! You need some happiness in your life and I think that she'll be just that... it's getting late though, so I better head back!" Elle got up and dealt with the trash the two had created together before heading out.

Kya groaned at the silence of her apartment once again. She glanced over to her deck, where the empty letter laid. She sighed deciding now would be as good a time as any to finally finish a letter to Kaiden.

America is pretty nice. Would've been a whole lot nicer with you here with me, but I am making do. I met a friend!... Shocker I know! Her name is Elyse, and she seems pretty nice, she is taking care of me... I mean in terms of showing me around this place. It's huge!! Like three thousand times the size of Guava... She's pregnant, expecting her baby in April. I'm convinced she's having a boy. I wonder what our kids would've been like?... Hopefully all you with all of my summertime magic.

How's the music going? I'm glad I got to her the perfected version of my song before I left. There's a lot more varieties of music here, but still nothing as beautiful as yours... even with all the practice you still need!! Practice is perfection baby. I hope you're telling yourself that since I'm not there to do it.... Or maybe I'll have to write you more often to remind you.

Jah, I miss you Kaiden! Maybe the gods will bring our paths together again one day, if not in this life then perhaps the next.

All my love
Summertime xx

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